What do you think of Benny Hinn? He left the Eastern Orthodox Church to become a Pentecostal.
It is sad that Benny Hinn left "the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:15), for a man-made, human sect.
Evangelicals make some mistakes. I know I made many mistakes and sins as an Evangelical. I still struggle against sin.
Here's some truth from an Orthodox source: "... Evangelicals balk at the very idea of "Holy Fathers," triumphantly exlaiming that Christ specifically commanded, "Call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, Which is in Heaven." (St. Matthew 23:9.). This diehard idee fixe of Protestant polemics manifestly illustrates the contradictory and superficial nature of fundamentalistic Bible-thumping. While an Evangelical would censure an Orthodox for addressing a Saint, a clergyman, or a monk as "Father," at one and the same time he would think nothing of addressing his own biological, or legal, male parent as "Father," or of using one of its equivalents, such as "Dad," "Papa," etc. However, in no way did Chrst qualify His words to exempt natural fathers from His prohibition to call no man your father upon the earth. This fact somehow completely escapes the thought of Evangelicals, who inadvertently violate their own literalistic interpretation.
"Scriptural testimony itself supports the practice of addressing spiritual leaders as "Fathers." An excellent example is Saint Abraham the Patriach, the Father of many nations, (Genesis 17:4-5.) for through his faith he became the spiritual Father of all Christians. (See Romans 4:1-22.). "Our Father Abraham," (St. Luke 1:73.), is mentioned by Saint Zacharias the Prophet, as well as the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. (See St. Luke 1:55; 16:24,30.). In a similar vein, Saint Peter implies his ow spiritual Fatherhood by referring to Saint Mark the Evangelist as "Marcus my son." (I St. Peter 5:13.). Likewise, Saint Paul conspicuously mentions the spiritual sonship of Saints Timothy, Titus, and Onesimos (See I Corinthians 4:17; I St. Timothy 1:2,18; II St. Timothy 1:2; 2:1; St. Titus 1:4; St. Philemon 10.), and, moreover, considers himself a spiritual Father of the entire Church: "As my beloved sons I warn you. For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many Fathers: for in Christ Jesus O have begotten you through the Gospel." (I Corinthians 4:15.). In fact, the Apostle of the Nations even styles himself a spiritual Mother (!): "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you. ...." (Galatians 4:19; cf. St. Matthew 23:37 and St. Luke 13:34, where Christ likens Himself to a mother hen which "doth gather her brood in her wings.").
"The Scripture in question has been understood, from the earliest Christian times, to mean that God the Father, one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, should never be associated with a human form." ("Questions and Answers About the Orthodox Faith," Orthodox Tradition, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1984); p. 4.)."
(pages 24-25: Hierodeacon Gregory. (1994). THE CHURCH, TRADITION, SCRIPTURE, TRUTH, AND CHRISTIAN LIFE: Some Heresies of Evangelicalism and an Orthodox Response. Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.).
God save us in the Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless all of you. Amen. In Erie PA USA August 20111 AD Scott R. Harrington