Reading Mathew chapter 5 verse 22 I have a question.
It is regarding having something against someone 'without a cause'. That implies to me it's ok if there IS legitimate cause, to be angry.
Anger is a most destructive emotion, we all get angry. It can galvanise someone to positive actions or into destructive ones, depending on the level of control of the self. But righteous cause for anger, by implication, does have a place, How does this work in life? I think it means a just punishment meted out for unjust acts?
So Jesus was not saying it is not ok ever to be angry? What IS not acceptable is to be angry for no reason. Perhaps out of irritation, jealousy etc.
Remember God gets angry Jesus for angry and drive people out of the temple …not because of his emotions of any self concern but because people were defiling the temple in front of him by bartering in the temple and selling doves for sacrifice even cheating each other this is where his anger was from he was watching people defile what was still standing and dedicated to God as the center of Jewish worship.
airs the same with any emotion sorrow for instance there is godly sorrow that leads us to repentance and salvation , but be there is worldly sorrow that will destroy us
Same with anger theres righteous anger and then selfish anger that’s centered around some offense or insult towards us or something we perceive in others as offensive there are things worthy of anger when we don’t act out sinfully and anger that leads us into sinful actions because it’s rooted in the wrong place
god gets angry , his heart gets grieved and he repents sometimes over what man , his creation has done and become he loves and comforts and cares from his heart for each of his creatures he is concerned about us and works to save us from our own sins
If were angry because a man is hurting a child that’s a right response it makes God angry when people hurt
children also
if we get angry because someone cuts us off in traffic it’s not a right response it’s human but isnt righteous.
God saw man’s wickedness on earth and it grieved his heart and repents him that he’s made mankind at all because of thier wickedness this happened in genesis chapter 6
in His anger and sorrow he destroys Almost all life in earth then after he repents and promises never to flood the earth with water again because of mans wickedness. Later in the prophets he becomes enraged with israel and all the nations for idol worship he proclaims “ I am a jealous God “ to those worshipping imaginary dieties made of wood and stone
man is made in Gods image how we function we think and speak and discuss and reason and make promises and plans we have sorrows sometimes and pain and angers and emotions of many kinds because we have hearts and souls that live and feel and breath
awe are a poor reflection of God but we are a poor pattern of how he is as Jesus is a perfect example of who we should be the image of God …..