Sabbath used to be 1 day out of seven. Now Sabbath rest is 100% of the time.
Priests of God used to be from 1 tribe out of 12. Now priests are all God's children.
In the old covenant, people were slaves to God because of failure. In the New covenant people are slaves to God by choice.
In the old covenant Laws were written in stone and in books. It constrained the reader. In the new covenant the nature of man is changed in the presence of the Spirit of God. The standard for God and man is the same.
You can't see that His commandments come now by the revelation of Spirit, moment by moment. That is what "being led by the Spirit" means. To be stuck in the book as another set of rules is to be stuck in neutral, or worse. Let the book confirm the Spirit.
Man lives by the word of God that comes continually from His mouth. We are given the Spirit to hear Him.
Priests of God used to be from 1 tribe out of 12. Now priests are all God's children.
In the old covenant, people were slaves to God because of failure. In the New covenant people are slaves to God by choice.
In the old covenant Laws were written in stone and in books. It constrained the reader. In the new covenant the nature of man is changed in the presence of the Spirit of God. The standard for God and man is the same.
You can't see that His commandments come now by the revelation of Spirit, moment by moment. That is what "being led by the Spirit" means. To be stuck in the book as another set of rules is to be stuck in neutral, or worse. Let the book confirm the Spirit.
Man lives by the word of God that comes continually from His mouth. We are given the Spirit to hear Him.
Give me scripture, Book, Chapter and verse. I have backed up everything I have stated with scripture. Rest means Sabbath keeping, that is the 7th day of the week it is referring to.
No one has explained the keeping of the commandments throughout the NT including the keeping of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27). Jesus kept it (Luke 4:16), Paul kept it (Acts 17:2), and Gentiles kept it (Acts 13:42-44; 16:13)
"He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him" (1 John 2:4)
" And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." (Matt 15:9)
" We ought to obey God rather than man" (Acts 5:29)
" I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds, I will write them. " (Hebrews 10:16)
" change times and law..." (Daniel 7:25)
"Therefore, the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good." (Romans 7:12)
"...I have kept My Father's commandments." (John 15:10)
This is all in the NT and there are many, many more. God plainly tells us to keep his commandments and to keep the Sabbath.
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