I just want to say I am grateful and honor him with your growth I can sense a change in you I reached out to you at first because I had what you needed at the time and I paid attention to your journey and honestly I am just so glad and so overwhelmed with who you have become it seems in the end my thoery about you was not wrong I was told by many to give up on you how I was to trusting even other so called prophets I always blocked in some way even though talking over the phone with these people gave me a sense of somoene understanding but you are always there you never gave up on me to everyone else I just complain I just am seen as a way that isn't how it is at all even the closest people in my life I cannot propmise I will be able to stay true as far as remaining strong as rmeaining resliant I have nothing left to give faith and beliging has become pointless to me as it never mattered how much I believed how much I trusted him the faith ti keep going with little or no reslutls I know everything I claimed I spoke everything he tuaght me and I openly spoke of it on here is true I never have to consider any about about it when I spoke it on here it was as if it was written on stone I am sure I seem like a false prophet a false teacher especially with how things turned against me how I sound like a broken record how everything I believed and said has so far just been all talk but I tatsed for myself only a small tatse I get no results i believe in vain seemingly but who he is what he is who we are it is all so much more than what we see in our first layer of understanding
Whatever it is I am lacking to fulfill and prove what he taught me and shwoed me I am waiting for because I clearly don't have whatever is needed to prove that reality is false that truly anything is possible with him but more than that that we can sek him gave him and have him so intimately connected to us that there is no sperarateion no boundaries betwee but that is the key word TO him we make all kinds of excuses that I have never personally seen in scrip[turen physical and spiritual how many times it is said it is in his timing there are always limitations sdome kind of excuse but this isn't what I saw, Jesus merely said ask and you will recieve how the faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain when it comes spiritual God and man we pray to him we ask for fish and bread and it is given when this happened was there any other conditions or did they simply ask and recieve? was the bread and fish with conditions or not?
what did he say? has it ever mattered how we concieve things or undersrtand things or is hos word the actual authority? if his word is the actual word of God than any interpretation any reason or excuse we give as to why things work the way they work seems like a copout but I won't deny life has been absoultely brutal since I started on this path I am not open because I want attention or need pity how would that change anything?
I am open because I have to believe that is is all not for nothing that somehow my pain and struggles shyowing my weakness would somehow be able to reach those that need it
pain is not only the best teacher but more than anything I have seen it be able to connect to and help people I wish I knew how to give up it would be so much easier but I am stubborn I never know how to really give up but yes perhaps pm would be a better idea I tend to be to honest and I suspect I am getting on peoples nerves1
hi blain I think I may have figured out something.
Well I would call it resting on the morals of the lord
Well I knocked seeked and waited,. The answer came back was those who wait on the lord will sore like eagles.
I remember my message everyday, and we'll It's now Got to the stage where I'm waiting every waking moment, it's almost like I'm surrounded by still waters, and I'm in a sea of tranquility, everything is just floating
Even when I'm surrounded by the enemy,
The lord told me the meaning of not casting your pearls to swine.
It basically means you only have to say what I want you to say.
I was then reminded how far I have come in waiting on the lord,
At times I climb so high i can see myself looking down on this world from a great height.
It's been happening more and more lately.
I literally see my self flying across the sky, then I could see my wife picking up the wood.
All of a sudden an eagle flapped it's wings
When I got back yesterday my wife said an eagle had come close to her and flapped it's wings in front of here.
We both described the same colour, white colour with golden spots in it's chest.
It can't be a coincidence that can it.
I was looking for guidance at the time to know if my wife was ok. Because sometime people don't share there feelings straight away.
With women I've found they generally don't share sensitive issue because they feel inadequate sharing with men, sometimes.
But no I think the lord was telling me to get that nonsense out of my head when it comes to my wife. ๐