I agree. However, if Paul is saying that because there was prevalent teaching among the pagans that Eve was formed first and was not deceived, and he is refuting that claim rather than explaining why "women can't teach", then it is a context-specific statement.
Consider how many women would have attended synagogue and learned Torah... somewhere between very few and zero. Indeed, one of the rabbis actually wrote, "Rather let Torah be burned than taught to a woman". Paul is shattering that norm by saying, in essence, "Let the women learn Scripture!" He adds, "in silence" which is also appropriate for the male students. The gist of the whole passage changes entirely.
Instead of saying, "If you have two X chromosomes, you have inherited Eve's propensity for gullibility and are therefore restricted forever from vocalizing in the Christian assembly", Paul is saying, "Also let the women learn like the men do, but let those who were teachers of pagan falsehood be restricted from teaching in the Church until they have learned Christian truth".
Consider how many women would have attended synagogue and learned Torah... somewhere between very few and zero. Indeed, one of the rabbis actually wrote, "Rather let Torah be burned than taught to a woman". Paul is shattering that norm by saying, in essence, "Let the women learn Scripture!" He adds, "in silence" which is also appropriate for the male students. The gist of the whole passage changes entirely.
Instead of saying, "If you have two X chromosomes, you have inherited Eve's propensity for gullibility and are therefore restricted forever from vocalizing in the Christian assembly", Paul is saying, "Also let the women learn like the men do, but let those who were teachers of pagan falsehood be restricted from teaching in the Church until they have learned Christian truth".
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