1) "white people" pretty much make up half the earth's population and is such an ambiguous phrase because theres like 100 different countries that are naturally caucasian (white). If you had singled out russians for example, that would be closer to the point. and...
How many countries on this list are white?
Also, what does it matter how many people there are of a specific race? This just sounds like prejudice to me.
2) because white people as a "race" already get all the breaks:
That's racist! (although I would agree, part of why I said white people are lame)
In all likelyhood, Jesus was not the Scandinavian he is so properly portrayed as.
Why does this matter though? Do you love Jesus for Jesus, or love Jesus for his skin color? If you answer the first, why bother remarking on the latter? Is it somehow prejudice of God to have Jesus have been a Jewish Carpenter who in all likelyhood was not a white european?
I know Jesus wasn't white from all likelyhood, and that doesn't stop me. My love for Christ isn't skin deep. I don't think your love for Christ is skin deep either. So let's not make that an issue, shall we?
God is portrayed as a bearded white man,
What does it matter? We all know the paintings aren't accurate, as anyone who sees the father doesn't live!
the richest two men in the world are white (Gates and Buffet),
Why do you hate old rich white men? White people have all the power and money, right? That's racist!
all of america's forefathers are white,
That's because they were WASPs.... What does it matter what Americas notable figures look like, over say, the Phillipines, Japan, Germany, Chad, or any other country? This is to be expected and is on the verge of a non-sequitor. It doesn't add up to what you think it does (atleast seem to think by your post).
If I went with you to the Phillipines to visit, and I got off the airplane and said, "Wait, where's all the white anglo-saxon protestants?" You're response probably would be short of, "Dude, Dustin, are you like... retarded? This isn't Western Europe dummy!"
the queen and all the royal family is white,
That's because they're the royal family of the
United Kingdom.
That'd be like me complaining about the royal family of Tonga not being white europeans.
Where's all the white kings!?!?!!?(oh yeah, europe.)
the most successful actors and actresses in the world are white....should I go on?
This is a matter of economics. The only other option to reach such a level is bollywood, and if I recall it produces more film than Hollywood, but I won't press that.
What does it matter who is succesful on worldly terms though? We're Christians, we're in the world, but not of it!
I don't care who is succesful on worldly terms. I know that isn't my goal. I am to die to myself daily.
Now, I propose that this thread be ignored and go to the bottom. The problem of the thread is asking sinful humans what they think of the physical appearances of sinful humans.