I am more efficient regimented, but I also need to be nonregimented sometimes. I feel if I don't have that nonregimented time occasionally, then I am not as efficient in my regimented time...if that makes any sense. I do not always want to be nonregimented though.
I completely agree with this, CarriePie.
By nature, I'm like to have things scheduled and be on time, but all too often, life bumps us off track. The work place is a perfect example. I always have a list of things I want to accomplish and a time frame to complete them in, but something always throws a carefully planned agenda off -- 4 emails that come in and need to be answered; a phone call that takes 20+ minutes because the customer wants you to look up something on the other side of the store; a boss with higher ranking who pulls you away from your own boss's agenda.
It drives me crazy but we all have to find out ways to cope. I generally try to start with the most time-sensitive/important tasks and do the best I can with what time I'm given.
In my personal life, I was always frustrated that I set goals for myself with things like my Bible reading, but never quite achieved. Now I know some might say, "Bible reading is CRUCIAL and God must always come first!" But all of us know that real life constantly gets in the way -- a family member is sick, a young relative has an accident, something breaks and needs immediate attention.
I would set a goal of, let's say, reading one page of the Bible per day, then want to give up because numerous things prevented it. But when I changed it to, "I have a week to read 7 Bible pages," that helped a lot. Now I was giving myself the freedom to read more when I had more time, and not feel bad if I had to skip a day or two because I could make it up later.
I know that seems like such an elementary example but I grew up with a lot of rigid rules and regulations, both at home and in school.
I was so used to this -- and failing so often -- that such a simple realization that I could give myself some flexibility has been a total game changer in most every area of life.