OK. Now we know your position. You believe in a satanic worldwide conspiracy with talmudic pharisees controlling the world through key players including the Roman Catholic Church.
What we need next from you are your sources that prove this. Obviously, not all once. But in the course of the discussion, support what you assert for your theory using them so we can qualify them.
It's not really important whether or not we agree with you. Opinions only matter to the extent they can be proven. So what is important is that you attempt to prove your hypothesis with meaningful substantiable evidence.
For example, a neighbor down the street believes Hitler lives in the center of the earth and is preparing a fourth reich to take over the earth. When I asked him for his evidence he gave me this:
William Yenne, “Adolf Hitler and the Concave Earth Cult,”
Secret Weapons of World War II: The Techno-Military Breakthroughs That Changed History (New York: Berkley Books, 2003)
I pointed out to my neighbor that William Yenne actually asserts on page 271-272 that this is an impossible idea (apparently my neighbor didn't comprehend what he read before handing me the book as "proof"). I then used scholarly scientific sources to show him that it is impossible for a human being to live in the center of our earth. He rejected all of these and continues to believe in the return of Hitler from the center of the earth. But at least he doesn't use that book as a source anymore... lol.
Now contrast that with a friend who believes in the residual UFO (RUFO) theory which asserts that after all UFO claims and evidences that can be falsified or explained away are; there exists a very small residual of claims that cannot. The theory argues these are contacts with demons through occult involvement. Honestly, he has some credible sources to this effect so I'm open to his theory. The point is that the evidence includes confirmed substatiable physical evidence, fairly good testimony, and some scholarly work by some reputable scientists into this theory that make it plausible.
So well I'm somewhat open to RUFO theory, because of the quality and presence of evidence, I'm completely closed to my neighbor's idea that Hitler is building a secret army in the center of the earth because of the lack of and, in fact, credible evidence to the contrary.
This is how it works strangelove. It's not what you think, it's what you can prove.
Yes...obviously cuz talmudic pharisaism is the Mother of Harlots.