Homosexuality is a main part of the DNC, as is abortion. Those two sins have brought Judgment on America
Those 2 sins are judgment on America. They're an indication of what's written in Rom1 and have been for some time. When the same sex issue was actually being discussed in a POTUS debate, some of us knew it was an uh-oh moment that judgment was well underway. In part we've been watching for indications of reprieve and have seen some indications of possible reprieve, but Trump's 45th revealed how far gone things are and the backlash - being the "fight" against what is lawful and good - came almost completely out of the closet to openly wage war and assert how destructive and degenerate it wants to be the norm.
There is still some restraining going on, but at this point it's not much. If restraint continues to be pulled back, all the stuff (mild language version) we watch on the news from other lawless nations will simply be here is ways most of us just think is TV and movies because we've never actually lived it. There's a big part of knowledge that comes from living it out. Many of us in this country have been spared this so far. Name one nation in history that hasn't fallen. Men are not designed to rule themselves apart from their Creator. It's astounding it takes 1,000's of years to prove and learn this.