Then explain Lev 26 for us. especially verses 27 through 45. And explain why God said he would do what he did not only through assyria and Babylon. but what he did through rome in ad 70. and what he promised he would do if they repented?
Again, this is an ETERNAL COVENANT
An eternal covenant does not end.
Yet God promised his NATURAL SEED a plot of land in the middle east. and he made a specific promise to them.
Not only this, he re-iterated this promise through Abraham's son (Issac) and his grandson (Jacob) through with his 12 sons bear the name of this chosen nation.
Yes. The eternal reward of salvation is given to his spiritual seed (we are part of this) but we have nothing to do with his national seed..Which God chose for himself for a purpose. and gave them an eternal promise. which had nothing to do with anyone salvation,.
No actually it was not. I shared the verses where God gave it, I can also share when he confirmed the covenant with Issac and Jacob.
There was no condition for them to have the land.
later there was a condition if they would be able to live in that land in peace. but that has no bearing on the eternal promise. which stands today
Remaining in the land is not the topic of our discussion. The topic is who does the land belong to. was it a gift of God to that nation. That God has no taken away from them.
And lev 26 will give you your answer..
Romans 4 spoke of the eternal salvation aspect. Not the land promise.
Please go back and restudy the abrahamic promise Again, I would focus on Lev 26.. then look at all the OT prophecies which show Israel will not only repent ( a condition required, and a condition Daniel tried to do in his prayer to God in dan 9) and differentiate the land promise from the blessing of the whole earth promise.
Again, this is an ETERNAL COVENANT
An eternal covenant does not end.
Yet God promised his NATURAL SEED a plot of land in the middle east. and he made a specific promise to them.
Not only this, he re-iterated this promise through Abraham's son (Issac) and his grandson (Jacob) through with his 12 sons bear the name of this chosen nation.
Yes. The eternal reward of salvation is given to his spiritual seed (we are part of this) but we have nothing to do with his national seed..Which God chose for himself for a purpose. and gave them an eternal promise. which had nothing to do with anyone salvation,.
No actually it was not. I shared the verses where God gave it, I can also share when he confirmed the covenant with Issac and Jacob.
There was no condition for them to have the land.
later there was a condition if they would be able to live in that land in peace. but that has no bearing on the eternal promise. which stands today
Remaining in the land is not the topic of our discussion. The topic is who does the land belong to. was it a gift of God to that nation. That God has no taken away from them.
And lev 26 will give you your answer..
Romans 4 spoke of the eternal salvation aspect. Not the land promise.
Please go back and restudy the abrahamic promise Again, I would focus on Lev 26.. then look at all the OT prophecies which show Israel will not only repent ( a condition required, and a condition Daniel tried to do in his prayer to God in dan 9) and differentiate the land promise from the blessing of the whole earth promise.
Re Rom 4:13: On the other hand the world consists of lots and lots of land.
God then unilaterally ratified the covenant made when He alone passed between the fiery pieces of the sacrifice (Gen 15:17-19). However, remaining in the Land required faithfulness, fidelity to the Abrahamic covenant, which was expressed by a second covenant -- the conditional Covenant of Circumcision - which God gave after he ratified his first covenant with Abraham. This Covenant of Circumcision (Gen 17:9-14), as well as the Mosaic Covenant, were both a necessary consequent of the first covenant that was designed to teach Abraham's descendants what God expected of his covenant people who were going to dwell in YHWH's HOLY Land. (Don 't forget: The Mosaic Law Covenant was added precisely because of all Israel's transgressions and so that their sins might increase, ironically (Rom 5:20). God required nothing less than faithful obedience if they were going to remain on YHWH's holy ground (Ex 3:5). Therefore, since the Israelites were generally an apostate, covenant-breaking nation, God drove them from His Holy Land he gave them. It's not God's fault that they were a stubborn, stiff-necked, obstinate people who refused to be faithful. Aslo, the Land does not belong to Israel. Everything upon this earth belongs to God (Ps 24:1). The Israelites were simply stewards of Gods' gift to them, and they blew it big time!
Having said, all that doesn't mean, however, that Abraham's spiritual seed aren't in the Promised Land right now as we speak, and will not continue to be so throughout all eternity. Why? Because the Land, like the sabbath rest of the fourth commandment, is a type of Christ (Heb 4:8). The central aspect to living in the Promised Land was that God's people would be given [physical] rest from their enemies (Josh 21:44). And this is precisely what the spiritual descendants of Abraham have today: SPIRITUAL rest from the devil, from principalities and powers, from the world, from the flesh, from sin, even from the Law which could only condemn because of its weakness through the flesh--from everthing that is hostile towards God. Therefore, in this spiritual sense only -- in the person of the antitype who is Christ -- is the Land promise eternal. But certianly not in any physical sense, as you said above.
More proof of my assertion can be gleaned from this excerpt taken from Reisinger's book "Abraham's Four Seeds":
"In the OT something physical that is said to be forever or everlasting can be temporary in temporal reality as a type, yet literally forever as its antitype in the spiritual, eternal realm.
It is perfectly clear from the NT Scriptures that we must understand the word 'everlasting' in one of two ways depending on the context.
1. It may mean that something is given as a physical and temporary 'type' of something else that is spiritual and eternal. The thing promised becomes truly everlasting as it finds its fulfillment in its antitype. Israel is a nation before God 'forever', as it is fulfilled in the Church, the true 'Israel of God.' Aaron is indeed a priest 'forever' as he finds his fulfillment in Christ our High Priest. The sabbath is a sign 'forever" as it finds its fulfillment in eternal salvation or rest in Christ. God's people will dwell secure in the true holy land forever as they eternally rest in Christ.
2. The word "everlasting" may also mean that something will last as long as the covenant lasts under which that something was instituted. A change in covenants changes everything under that covenant." (Heb 7:11-12).
Things Promised.....................................OT Type.....................................................NT Antitype/Fufulliment
Everlasting Priesthood---------------Aaron (Ex 40:15; Num 25:13)-------Christ (Heb 4:14-16)
Everlasting Sanctuary----------------Tabernacle (Ex 27:21)----------------The Body of Christ (Eph 2:19-22; 2Cor 6:16)
Everlasting Sabbath------------------7th Day (Ex 31:13-17)----------------Salvation Rest (Hebrews 4)
Everlasting Circumcision------------Physical Circumcision (Gen 17:8)--Regeneration (Rom 2:28; Col 2:11; 3:11)
Everlasting Land----------------------Land of Cannan (Gen 13:14-15)-----New Jerusalem (Revelation 21)
Everlasting Nation--------------------Israel (Jer 31:36)----------------------The Church (Mat 21:43; 1Pet 2:9)