You are devoted to an end time apocalypse because you have invested so much time and energy trying to synchronize every single jot and tittle, you have lost sight of the forest for the trees.
You have also lost sight of the cross. Not redemptively personally, but it's purpose in God's plan to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. The cross, and all that accompanied it, is the central event of all of history. After the fall, nearly all the OT points to it, the gospels reveal it imminency, and the rest of the NT speaks to the ramifications of it. The whole spiritual power structure was changed. The gospels themselves predict it. Satan is cast from heaven...Luke 10:18...and Jesus speaks of building His church in which the powers of hell are impotent to halt...Matthew 16:18. Not too many days hence, Jesus, with newfound authority and power, commissions the building of said church...Matthew 28:19-20. And later, in Revelation 1, Jesus appears with 2 new keys on His key chain.
In coming and dying, Jesus reversed the course of history. The cross destroyed the works of Satan by rendering him impotent to stop the restoration of all things. And history, post cross, is a continual restoration of all things in and by Christ...1 Corinthians 15:23-28.
If you trace both history, and redemptive history, this can be easily shown. And I'll be glad to walk you through it, if that interests you. But history will continue to build to a time when the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth.
You have also lost sight of the cross. Not redemptively personally, but it's purpose in God's plan to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. The cross, and all that accompanied it, is the central event of all of history. After the fall, nearly all the OT points to it, the gospels reveal it imminency, and the rest of the NT speaks to the ramifications of it. The whole spiritual power structure was changed. The gospels themselves predict it. Satan is cast from heaven...Luke 10:18...and Jesus speaks of building His church in which the powers of hell are impotent to halt...Matthew 16:18. Not too many days hence, Jesus, with newfound authority and power, commissions the building of said church...Matthew 28:19-20. And later, in Revelation 1, Jesus appears with 2 new keys on His key chain.
In coming and dying, Jesus reversed the course of history. The cross destroyed the works of Satan by rendering him impotent to stop the restoration of all things. And history, post cross, is a continual restoration of all things in and by Christ...1 Corinthians 15:23-28.
If you trace both history, and redemptive history, this can be easily shown. And I'll be glad to walk you through it, if that interests you. But history will continue to build to a time when the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth.
A before the cross, have to get forgiven to be loved and accepted by God, win others easily accept anyone. Not saying I do not accept anyone, saying I am being made wise as a serpent and remaining harmless as a dove, thanks to God in God's done works of Son first, wow!
After the cross, we are forgiven, reconciled, forever in Father and Son as Won for us to be in and now doing the done work of Son given us us to do in the resurrected Christ, resurrected by Father, wow, woe is me to believe and see, this love and mercy pour out of me, wow as in Isaiah 6:1-7
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