There is not a dual covenant people, there is only one.
John Darby lied and so did Cyrus Scofield and along with those who have exhalted this nonsense over the years.
All was fulfilled by the time Jesus arrived for the chosen people and what was stated in the OT, He is and will ever be all that is required, not some secular ethno-state and a rebuilt Temple which is blasphemous against Christ Jesus who is the New Temple.
And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:29
There is one body of Christ, one Church and people whose lineage helped fulfill the covenant need to hear the Gospel today like every other person on the planet and no they are not the group in Romans who were blinded for a time who Paul was writing about.
Darby coined the phrase "rightly divide" how about Dipseys start doing that as Paul meant it and apply correct sound hermeneutics.
It is called audience relevance.
John Darby lied and so did Cyrus Scofield and along with those who have exhalted this nonsense over the years.
All was fulfilled by the time Jesus arrived for the chosen people and what was stated in the OT, He is and will ever be all that is required, not some secular ethno-state and a rebuilt Temple which is blasphemous against Christ Jesus who is the New Temple.
And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:29
There is one body of Christ, one Church and people whose lineage helped fulfill the covenant need to hear the Gospel today like every other person on the planet and no they are not the group in Romans who were blinded for a time who Paul was writing about.
Darby coined the phrase "rightly divide" how about Dipseys start doing that as Paul meant it and apply correct sound hermeneutics.
It is called audience relevance.
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