Some people have the wrong interpretation concerning the predestination of the saints thinking that God already chose beforehand who would be saved and who would not be saved at the beginning of creation,but that is not true.
God would not choose a person's destination about salvation in the beginning without that person choosing for them self,for then it would go against the meaning of the kingdom of God based on true love.
God's kingdom is based on true love,so for God to choose beforehand who would be saved and not saved it would go against what God's kingdom represents.
You can program your computer to say I love you when it comes on,but it does not love you,but has no choice but to say I love you in a robot like fashion,not being able to see any other way,which would mean it is not really love the computer is displaying.
If God were to choose beforehand who would be saved then the person would have no choice but to follow God,in which they could not go against that because they were already chosen,then that would not be true love because they have no choice but to follow God,and God's kingdom is true love.
This is biblical by knowing the nature of God and His intention in creation,and what His kingdom is about.
God created mankind with a choice whether to follow Him or not,for then those that choose to follow God,it would then be true love for they chose to be with God.
That is the purpose of God creating mankind,to give them a choice whether to follow Him or not,for then it is a kingdom of true love for those that follow Him.
Predestination like some people believe,takes away from the purpose of God to have a kingdom that is based on true love,for to believe predestination according to the wrong interpretation they have,would mean a kingdom of robotic love and robotic following of God,which is not the true kingdom of God.
Predestination according to the wrong interpretation also calls God a mean God for choosing some not to be saved beforehand,not saved before they are born,which they can do nothing about it on earth but await perishing.
But this makes no sense that God would choose some to be saved and not be saved beforehand,before they are born,because God says that all are in the same boat while on earth.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,so why would God choose some to be saved and some not to be saved,seeing all have sinned and all sin is unrighteousness to God,so why are the ones saved special seeing they are sinners too and the same as the ones God supposedly chose not to be saved.
This is biblical to the nature of God that He is not mean to some and mean to others,by choosing some to be saved and some not to be saved,without their input,for all people are in the same boat as being sinners,and on the same level as sinners,for all sin is unrighteousness with God,so all are guilty to God until they correct it by choosing to correct it.
Add that God said He is not willing that any should perish but that all be saved,so God out of His own mouth proclaims I did no such thing as choose some and not choose others beforehand,for God wants all to be saved.
By Jesus proclaiming that all people on earth repent of their sins testifies that all can be saved,for to repent is to get right with God which gives salvation,and God said He commands that all people repent,and if God did not want all to be saved,why does He allow all to repent seeing it would do no good for the ones not saved.
The Bible says that Jesus lights every man that comes in to this world,and the darkness cannot quench that light,which means everybody that is born in to this world has the chance to see the light of Jesus,the truth,and no matter how much darkness they are in,deception,the light of Jesus can reach them.
God said anybody that calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
If this predestination doctrine were true,Jesus would of told us this by letting us know that only some can repent of their sins to be saved,and the others it does not matter for they cannot be saved,but Jesus did not preach that but preached all can be saved,and for all to be saved.
This is what predestination really means according to God predestined the saints to be saved,and is biblical.
The Bible says that God calls things that have not happened yet,as though they already happened,because if it is God's plan to have something happen in the future,it is the same as if it already happened in the beginning,even though it is a future event,for it will come to pass in the future with no hindrances,for who can thwart what God wants to happen in the future.
The Bible says that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world,but we know that it did not happen until 4000 years later,because God calls things that have not yet happened,as though they already happened.
What it means is that God already had it planned out in the beginning,before He laid down the foundation of the world,to come in the flesh and give us His human body,and to give us salvation,which are future events,but were a plan of God to happen in the future,so it is the same as it already happened in the beginning.
When the Bible says that the saints were predestined to be saved,it does not mean that God chooses some to be saved and some not to be saved beforehand,but it means that God already had the plan to give mankind salvation before He laid down the foundation of the world,and this salvation is to whoever chooses it,so all people who choose this salvation and become saints,God already had the plan to give them that salvation in the beginning,so it is the same as if they already have salvation in the beginning.
God already had it all planned out to give salvation to mankind,by giving His human body that was slain from the foundation of the world(Revelation 13:8),and it is common sense,because of course He already had it planned out,for He did not create the earth and then come up with the plan of salvation,for the purpose of creating the earth was to give mankind salvation,and since He had the plan to give mankind salvation in the beginning,it is the same as if the saints already have salvation in the beginning,but this salvation is to mankind in general,whoever wants that salvation and become saints.
The saints being predestined means God already had the plan to give mankind salvation,which is a future event,so it is the same as if the saints have salvation in the beginning,not it is an event in the beginning where God picks and chooses who will be saved and who will not be saved.
Predestination is a future event to give all who choose God,salvation,so it is the same as if the saints have salvation in the beginning,like the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world,even though it is a future event,it is not an event that happened in the beginning of God picking and choosing.
That wrong predestination doctrine 1.Goes against God's kingdom that is based on true love,by people choosing for themselves salvation,which is biblical.2.Goes against the nature of God that is love,and fair,and just,by saying God did not choose some without them having an input of their destination,which is biblical.3.Goes against God saying out of His own mouth that He does not want anybody to perish but all come to repentance and be saved,and Jesus saying all can be saved,which is biblical,so I say strike 3 you're out wrong predestination interpretation.
And not only that,if that predestination doctrine were correct,why would the Bible say many are called but few are chosen,for if they are chosen beforehand,then all who were called would be chosen not few chosen who were called,and why would God call people and then not choose them if they were already chosen beforehand not to be chosen,and why would God be calling them on earth to choose them,if they were already chosen beforehand.
Many are called by God while on earth,but only some live up to the definition of a Christian to be chosen,not God chooses beforehand,but God does the calling on earth and according to the person's response then He does the choosing on earth,not beforehand,before they are born.
The Bible says what will you do in the day of visitation,which everybody receives a visit from God to cause them to pause for a moment and consider the truth,but what they do with that is up to them,but God does not want excuses for He causes all to consider for a moment concerning Him,so they cannot say I have not seen anything to be able to act upon it,but God visits everybody for all can be saved.
I do not know how He does it,but I believe it is different with all people.One He might use a tragic accident or upset in a person's life to cause them to consider God and the importance of their life,that maybe there is a God that saved them,and another He might use the love between a man and a woman that got married,a good event,and they say life is great and God must exist and is good,but God visits everybody,some way,some how,to get them to think about it,at least for a moment,and consider it,but God says what will they do in the day of visitation,the meaning is that all can be saved if they want to be saved.
If this predestination doctrine was a lone wolf,maybe a lot of people would abandon it,but like other false doctrines,it causes a domino effect,that causes more wrongful interpretations of some scriptures,and even sometimes the making up of doctrines to support it,which makes it more difficult for them to abandon it,seeing it effects so many other beliefs,and they say all that cannot be untrue for it is too much theology to be wrong,and I do not believe my Church and beliefs can have that much untruth in it.
That predestination doctrine has caused many other false doctrines,which I will not mention,but quite a few,that a lot of people will not believe that their Church can be that wrong in so many doctrines,for to abandon that predestination doctrine and go against the others in the domino effect,would mean they would probably have to abandon that Church altogether,but they love their Church too much and will not abandon it,and believe they cannot be wrong,especially concerning other people who they respect,for they cannot be wrong,especially good ole' grandpa and grandma,they cannot be wrong for they are no dummies and so sweet and Christian like,so people who they respect will shape their opinion of what Church to believe.