The big red X means I disagree. Nothing personal.
I can prove you are wrong but will not waste my time because you will not believe the Scripture.
Who are the Saints who are killed by the Man of Sin, who do not take the mark?
I can prove you are wrong but will not waste my time because you will not believe the Scripture.
Who are the Saints who are killed by the Man of Sin, who do not take the mark?
Well, I agree there are SAINTS who will be KILLED by the man of sin, who will NOT have taken the mark!! RIGHT! (member "Psalm1" does not seem to acknowledge this, anywhere in his viewpoint / scheme-of-things)
And although you and I seem to have disparate viewpoints of "rapture-timing," we DO agree that there WILL BE "SAINTS" who are IN THE TRIB, who will NOT take the mark and thus will be KILLED / BEHEADED / martyred (during the second half of the Trib yrs)--That is specifically WHO Rev20:4b is speaking to, PER v20:5b's "THIS is the resurrection the first [adj]" (pointing back to the saints specifically spoken of IN VERSE 4b... only [i.e. those beheaded / killed / martyred in the second half of the Trib, when the "mark" will have been in effect]).
The thing about it, is... they are not the only saints to be "resurrected" (FOR the MK age). But I'm not going to zero in on that point for this post (I only have a minute here--And BTW, I'll come back later to address other posts by other members, when I get a chance
One of the things I want to point out for this post, is the following brief points:
--"resurrection [G386 - anastasis ]" (Rev20:5b) is defined as "to stand again" (in this case, after having DIED);
--the "2 Witnesses" will have resurrected [from the dead] prior to this point in the chronology, where Rev11 tells us that they stand [again, after having been KILLED] at the time of the "2nd Woe" (associated with the "6th Trumpet [events]," PER Rev8:13 which tells us so). The "7th Trumpet / 3rd Woe" will NOT YET have taken place at the point when they are shown "ascending up to heaven" (they are "saints / believers" also!)--Many try to "explain this away" through various other "explanations" re: the "2W";
--the text in 20:5b ("THIS") is pointing back specifically to those only in v.4b (the ones "beheaded / killed / martyred" in the second half of the Trib), but again they are not the "sum total" of all [saints] who will be resurrected; But then again, this verse is NOT conveying "this is the FIRST TIME that resurrection [of saints] will have happened" or "this is the FIRST-IN-TIME that resurrection will take place". No, that's not what is being conveyed here (I believe He placed the resurrection of the "2W" PURPOSELY prior to this, to make clear regarding such a notion);
--the text (in Rev20) says that are resurrected, YES... but it NOWHERE states that these saints are "SNATCHED-UP/-AWAY". Nope, they "stand again [G386]" (which always takes place "on the earth"--and how convenient that is, because that is also the location where they will "reign with Christ for a thousand years"--in the EARTHLY MK age);
--1Cor15:23 states (re: resurrection), "BUT [conj] each IN HIS OWN ORDER / RANK" (meaning, there is an "ORDER / RANK" to it... There doesn't remain ONLY ONE at one singular point-in-time)--and this "BUT [conj]" is an important connector; as well, is the importance of the "EPeita" word in this v.23 (whereas in v.24a Paul uses the word "eita"--a SEQUENCE WORD ONLY, with NO time-element attached to it; That Paul uses these two words [in these 2 verses] also tells a lot...);
--there's much more that could be said... but I realize readers lose interest if posts are LONG (including myself! lol)
I learned many years ago that those who believe as you do will never allow the Scripture to teach them the truth.
For others, it just takes time... for them to consider things in scripture that they hadn't yet given thought to (over what their "injected ideas" [by whatever means] had told them was true).