And you believe the Encyclopaedia Britannica's definition coz....?....its "accepted" as truth?
i'd like to know why the definition excludes others who "speak semitic languages"? LOL!
that's a scream.
how about peoples period.
that's what this is about. that term is reserved (they say for jews) but the big joke is ashkenazis are not semitic peoples.they never were....they are not biblical hebrews. and that's fine.
but they're not and never were SEMITIC. what? so what's really going on?
the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA):
While the CPCCA’s final report does contain some cases of real anti-Semitism, the committee has provided little evidence that anti-Semitism has actually increased in Canada in recent years. Instead, it has focused a disproportionate amount of effort and resources on what it calls a so-called “new anti-Semitism”:
criticism of
Canada: Criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitism | US FoPo & the Middle East
The ADL maintains that some forms of
Anti-Zionism and
criticism of Israel are actually
anti-Semitism. The Anti-Defamation League states:
"Criticism of particular Israeli actions or policies in and of itself does not constitute anti-Semitism. Certainly the sovereign State of Israel can be legitimately criticized just like any other country in the world. However, it is undeniable that there are those whose
criticism of Israel or of "Zionism" is used to mask anti-Semitism."
Anti-Defamation League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
now we're at the heart of the matter.
so, according ADL, even thoguh 90% of jews are not semitic, i may be considered antisemitic, and do 6 years in prison, where a precedent setting case in Canada said the defendent was guilty reagrdless of the facts, because THE TRUTH IS NO DEFENSE"
so, if i criticize Israel's FASCISM, i am antisemitic.
well, AoK, when it comes to fascism, no sale for me. a fascist is a fascist is a fascist: no matter the language race or religion.
Ze'ev (Zeev) Jabotinsky-A Brief Biography & Quotes
i'm not bothering this time to link to a hundred pages of articles, history and images of Israel's fascism.
just google images yourself and watch soldiers smash the arms and legs of women in their fields, using boulders.
or a nice big concrete wall with razor wire and sniper towers to keep non-jews (real semites) out.
i'll post later on all that. i've already posted on Operation Cast Lead where CIVILIANS trapped in ghettos had WHITE PHOSPHOROUS SPRAYED ALL OVER THEM from above. just look for yourself.
why did they do it? because little boys throw pop bottles and rocks at men who shoot at them IN THEIR OWN HOMES that they have lived in for generations....hundreds of generations. while ashkenazi jews whose forefathers never once breathed the air in Palestine in 3000 years or 5000 years or at any time until 1948 came in and displaced and murdered 800,000 palestinians because Israel IS ONLY FOR JEWS.
and it continues today.
with America's stamp of approval. not confined anymore to Palestine, this idea ("democracy") is now regional policy.
STUDY THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD to find out why this is OKAY. why it is COMMANDED - kill AMALEK (gentiles), or the King's "Torah" that says it is permissable and good to kill arab baby boys because they MIGHT grow up to "cause trouble" for jews.
FASCISM by any standard in this world.
now go here and browse around: see what is in store for YOU christian:
Hasidic University
Universal Theocratic Law
for Non-Jews
(620 commandments)
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