If you could have only one of these to have to be less, being petless and hobbieless would probably be a draw (I like to have my pet riding shotgun when I'm engaged in my hobbies) but they'd make it in toward the top of the list. However, being timeless would definitely out rank them all, and the rest would follow accordingly:
-wealthless- my wealth be a comfort if I were petless or hobbieless
-friendless - my friends would likely support me if I were wealthless, petless and hobbieless, but less likely to if I were healthless
-healthless- my health would sustain me if I were friendless, wealthless, and petless or hobbieless and likely even if I were familyless so it's coming in at a close last
-familyless- my family would care for me if I were healthless, and friendless, and wealthless, and petless, and hobbieless