Cold War veteran. No hot conflicts. Lots of drilling for the big one that thankfully never came. Not much more to say about it so you can stop asking.
So Rothchild, Rockefeller, and Warburg are part of a secret Pharisitical Talmudic organization and currently control the world. How interesting and how does it work? Do they just pick up the phone and tell the Pope what to do? Do they call up Hu Jintao and order him about?
I mean even in England the Rothschilds have no interest in the largest bank and they've pretty much donated most of their estates and art to charity not to mention they've been disinvesting their own stock to foreign investors as of late. Their aggregate position in percentage of world's wealth has slid markedly since the 19th century. They are a pro free trade conglomerate of publicly traded companies managing funds, property, and engaging in the extraction of raw materials (oil, mining, etc...) just like many large conglomerates and if they weren't wealthy Jews you'd pay them no mind.
Here check out their last public financials from 2010:
Investor RelationsInvestor Relations What you'll learn is that half their revenue came from financial advising (meaning they have divested so much of their wealth to charity that they aren't living off the interest like they once did and have to provide financial services to make up for it).
Notice there total operating income for the year was only 525.9 million pounds. Not exactly enough money to control the world there. I mean a piddly backwards starving country like North Korea has a GNP of about 45 billion so how is a Rothchild going to pick up the phone and boss him around?
what hilarity.
we have a resident Rothschild apologist.
AoK could you tell me how humanitarian MONSANTO is?
and owns it? what is genetically modified food for?
and what are global vaccinations for? where did cancer come from?
who is Margaret Sanger? what is EUGENICS? where did the myth of Ham's curse of the Balck Man come from? who ran the slave trade?
who are the Khazars? who is Gog and Magog?
what's the lure of Solomon's Temple?
who or what is JABULON? who is Hiram?
who are the Bushs? who is B Obama?
cut the childsplay AoK: smart guy like you playing that hand? pretty suspicious. anyway.
Bnai Brith and the Rothschilds are the only VISIBLE bad guys most know of.
don't matter because the genaologies are all connected.
there are many silent familes that we never hear about. though being the conspiracy scientist that i am, i know who they are. and i know what they do.
the public can do a little look see into the REDSHIELD (BAUER) family and see they own EVERYTHING.
follow the $$.
THE CHOOSE TO CALL THEMSELVES JEWS, that's their choice. they ain't Hebrews.
this isnt about people: ITS ABOUT AN ABOMINABLE RELIGION, purely satanic.
they are Talmudists generationally, and are not genetic Hebrews. they are JUST LIKE THE HERODS.
they have funded every major war - both sides, to achieve and ENDGAME.
the League of Nations was the first attempt, the UN the second. the UN is a private corporation.
anyone claiming to be a student of the Bible who does not
1) acknowledge an eschaton which encompasses a global union of all the nations under one satanic power
2) that the source and driver of the conspiracy is the very same antichrist mystery religion group that opposed and murdered Jesus - a confederacy of apostate jews and pagan gentiles
3) that the entire agenda (against first The Lamb and His people, second all men) is NOW CLEARLY VISIBLE AND STEAMING AHEAD
is not a very good student of the Bible.
for those who choose to deny; decry; ridicule; OR BLAME THOSE OF US WHO BOTHERED TO FIND OUT i say that's'll be faced with the very same reality whether you believe it or not. some of us wish to help get past the hard stuff...but impossible to help someone who doesn't want to know. i see it everyday...wave OLD GLORY AND IT'LL BE ALRIGHT. right up to the day they come for you.
in those people, i see cowardice, fear, and unbelief (or conditioning that hasn't broken yet...better not leave it too long). this war on terror is a war on humanity. and it is a war on YOU. particularly you, christian. i thought you knew that.
i hear things like: israel didn't create hamas...thats the muslim brotherhood.
i laugh my head off. the rothschilds created the muslim brotherhood.
and the House of Saud.
Bnai Brith pulling the strings, and even enticing idiots to go into freemasonry...oh those RIGHTEOUS GENTILES (tools)...promised a place in the world to come: anybody figured out what they mean by that yet? The Pharisees rejected Jesus but their plotting has NEVER CEASED.
but standing in a burning building arguing with someone who doesn't want to be rescued is ridiculous.
and all the world wondered.....
MOUNT MORIAH RECEIVED A DEADLY WOUND IN 70AD AND IS BACK TO LIFE, ALONG WITH THE SAME SERPENT CULT THAT BRUISED CHRIST'S HEEL.....what a surprise. but, most of evangelicalism was looking somewhere else when that happened. because they bought the wrong "Bible".
and many well intentioned (not that good intentions will matter on That Day) christians have helped with that resurrection. i wonder how many people have been slaughtered to bring this all about.....hundreds of millions. for this is a GRAND CHESSBOARD.
that beast has been slaughtering people to achieve new life, and its only just begun. all by DECEPTION, AND LIES, AND CAREFULLY CRAFTED FABLES. to seat THAT QUEEN WHO SAYS SHE IS NO WIDOW.
Galatians 4
Example of Hagar and Sarah
21Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law?
22For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman.
23But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh, while the son of the free woman was born through promise.
24Now this may be interpreted allegorically: these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is Hagar.
25Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia;
e she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.
26But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.
27For it is written,
“Rejoice, O barren one who does not bear;
break forth and cry aloud, you who are not in labor!
For the children of the desolate one will be more
than those of the one who has a husband.”
28Now you,
f brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.
29But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now.
30But what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman shall not inherit with the son of the free woman.”
31So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman.
Mark 8:15
"Be careful," Jesus warned them. "Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod."
as if anything in our NEW WORLD ORDER, this GLOBAL return to THE TOWER OF BABEL, this SATANIC KINGDOM that will rule for one hour happens
a) by accident
b) without God's full knowledge, foreknowledge and ORDERS
if there's one thing i can't stand it's being willingly ignorant when the Truth is available by the Spirit of Truth.
somebody wanted INDIVIDUAL NAMES? LOL...sorry...those i'm not giving out.
but just find out who actively and knowingly lives by this book:
and all its related texts and material like kabbalah, zohar, and the gentile useful idiots who use these books:
and you'll be doing well.
find out what they say, and you'll know sure enough.
and if you need it to match scripture...TRY READING YOUR BIBLE WITH UNDERSTANDING.
btw: i wouldn't recommend this version, since it was brought to you by the above groups, for the very purposes noted in this post.
2+2=5 winston.