Well that was easy. I just queued up Morningstar and discovered that Monsanto is almost wholly owned by large investment mutual funds and institutions which are, in turn, themselves almost wholly owned by everyday Americans in the form of mutual funds, 401ks, pensions, etc... Only a very small portion is insider owned (the Monsantos, etc...).
Now you youngsters probably don't have a friend with a Morningstar subscription but here's the public information on Monsanto owners (e.g. shareholders):
Shareholder Overview for MON Monsanto Company including Fund Owner Activity, Style, Equity & Debt Ownership, and Enterprise Value
So much for the assertion that the Rothchilds own Monsanto. It's a false assertion.
Now on to qualifying the next piece of zone's information...
zone Q: Who is Margaret Sanger?
ageofknowledge A: Margaret Sanger (Sanger is Anglo-Saxon not Jewish) was a pioneer in what became Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She was firmly against the practice of negative eugenics.
zone Q: What is enugenics?
ageofknowledge A: Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to human populations. Now that the genomes (including the human genome which has been mapped) are rapidly being mapped by partnerships involving universities, governments, non-profit organizations, and for profit organizations: governments (especially the U.S. government) are making the genomes available publicly to the world and the U.S. Justice Department has been working hard to limit the patentability of genetic patents which first began in 1980 but they have but federal courts recently ruled that genes can be patented (though sequences cannot be) so gene patents (but not genomes or sequences) will end up mostly in the hands of corporations who will try to make money with them (remember our discussion on how corporations exist to increase the wealth of their shareholders?).
zone Q: What are global vaccinations?
ageofknowledge A: A global vaccination is a vaccination that is available globally. I'm not sure what you're driving at here but it probably has something to do with the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control's push to make vaccines available globally.
zone Q: Where did the myth of Ham's curse of the Black Man come from?
ageofknowledge Q: Why does it matter? The only people that currently ascribe to it are ignorant backwoods KKK racist nutjobs and the Christian Identity/British Israelism racists. Anyways, I suppose the first people to come up with it were early Muslims to justify the slavery of Africans they could make money off of as they pressed into Africa. This view became dominant in the Islamic world (but not outside it) for 100 years until it spread to Europeans via contact with the Spanish and their treatment of Moors. Then Europeans and eventually colonial Americans began to adopt it.
zone Q: Who ran the slave trade?
ageofknowledge A: Which one? There were many in history. Evidence of slavery predates written records, and has existed in many cultures. Muslim slave traders were very active before, during, and after the Atlantic Slave Trade we normally associate with the United States (though to be fair less than half a million slaves were imported via the Atlantic Slave Trade into the United States with about 12.5 million I believe imported into Latin America and the Caribean) and the Arabs even kidnapped up to a million Western Europeans transporting most to North Africa during the Alantic Slave Trade years.
But you're after those Jews again aren't you? Get ready to be disappointed. While they did play a minor role, Atlantic slavery was an intercontinental enterprise extending over nearly four centuries and included Arabs, Berbers, African ethnic groups, Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch, Jews, Germans, Swedes, French, English, Danes, white Americans, Native Americans, and even those slaves that ended up becoming planters themselves.
Portugal and Spain barred Jews from their empires and most Western European Jews had been purged in the 16th century, the few that were left only played a marginal role in a vast system that attracted tens of thousands of pagans, Muslims, Catholics, and Protestants. Even in Holland and the Dutch colonies, where Jews were allowed to make their main "contribution" to New World slavery as merchants and planters, they always formed a very small minority of the slave trading participants and that goes for the American South too.
The American Historical Association has gone on record deploring and condemning “as false any statement alleging that Jews played a disproportionate role in the exploitation of slave labor or in the Atlantic slave trade." Here read it for yourself
AHA Council Issues Policy Resolution about Jews and the Slave Trade
So sorry. Fail. Correlations successfully rebutted.
I'll be back with more of the results for the rest... while it takes very little time to make wild speculative assertions, it does take time to properly qualify them.