Yea going from literal sadducee David Pakman that blasphemes Jesus and the apostles by trying to make them gay to a literal lesbian Rachel Maddow is pretty much like going from the frying pan right into the fire. Then we gotta explain to them what a grift is, a grift is where you just get lied to and you don't get what you want. The GOP and public at largewanted Trump and they wanted to throw out the democrats, andthey got what they wanted. The democrats on the other hand actually grand grifted ya'll, they manipulated you fools hard on the basis of hatred, failed to deliver for you, blew all their money on Diddy party particpants, and are actualyl still grifting you with the same exact grift to try to make moeny for their campaign debt and maintain power and their agenda of ruination.
Then we got old Negan whom is rapidly degenerating so hard in his profile pics going from cultural appropriation Goku, to the clown meme, to now a stereotypical white school shooter.
Like I can't even believe I have to be the one to point this out, but these are not improvements, these are all actually worse than where ya'll were before. Like if you're so mad that the Christians think you serve the Devil, making it more obvious that you're in league with the servants of the Devil and that your goal is to subvert any chance for America to repent and be blessed is not a great strategy. Basically what will happen if you keep to that strategy is you're going to get dismissed out of pocket and the American people are going to figure out ways to either crush your cult or figure out ways around you until you get consigned to the pit of political irrelevance cause the people chose Trump overwhelmingly because they want to move forward and be blessed again.
It's not really all that hard to figure out, doesn't take a super genius to figure this one out. You even have a positive example to look at in how the democrat party can be reformed in a way that is acceptable. Take notice of John Fetterman, he is reforming himself well and is actually playing ball here and in so doing he will actually build real trust and thus have some leverage later on to deal with Trump and advance his political aims from a strong position. Be like Fetterman instead his strategy is way more sound than falling for the same exact grift that got you here in the first place.