Maybe. But on the verge maintains a dividing line. Did I not maintain it? Akouo can be interesting to deal with, if that's what you're pointing out. There's a reason I said it can trend into...
Thanks. This threw me a bit:
13:15 seems very important to this parable (maybe others in Matt also). Probably important to discuss. Seems formulaic: See with eyes & Hear with ears > Understand with hearts > Turn > Be healed/restored by the Lord
- Understand could be compared to believe here, but do we need understand & turn to interpret the belief? Or is understand = belief as you said, then turn because understand/believe?
The bias that comes across to me is a conclusion that purposely teaching in parables to make the hidden things of the Kingdom not be clearly given to some means Jesus "did not want them to learn" and thus "hated His enemies".
If you'd like to go through 13:11-17 in detail to make your point #1 make sense, I'll do so with you and see what we come up with.
While we're at it I'd ask you to also explain some of your language in your point #2.
Do you see belief in Soil 2 & 3? This would be the area I'd be more concerned re: talking out of both side of my mouth. There is a reason I'm adding the descriptives "true" and "Biblical".
Will you define your word "omnilove"?