Welcome to Agenda 2030
LA installed smart meters on houses to monitor and report electricity usage. One brilliant feature to these meters is that they have a lithium ion battery. You may ask yourself why a meter attached to a homes electricity needs a battery, well that clearly you are not thinking like Caesar Nero. When they are exposes to fire they will catch fire and burn at 6,000 degrees F. Since they are attached to the electric wires in the house they transmit that heat throughout the house so that these houses burn from the inside out.
So perfectly reasonable explanation, you don't need space lasers targeting homes with the smart meters, simply physics.
Now you might also ask, surely if these things are such a big fire risk wouldn't the insurance companies be aware? Yep, and State Farm cancelled 70% of their policies.
Gives a whole new meaning to "You will own nothing and be happy". Look at all the happy people in LA and Lahaina.