you're here to proselytize your Grace Movement or Mid Acts whatever.
No. As mentioned, I am a child of God in the Body of Christ without affiliation. You have not heard me say such a thing. The discussion began with the tithe. Answering questions, we wound up here. I will gladly continue our discussion, or just stop responding.
There is only one religion based on Christ, that is Christianity.
True. Christianity is a second century religion that did not have a Bible then and did not get a Bible for 1600 years. When they did get a Bible, because of their Catholic upbringing, they had no idea what the Bible said and that is where we are today in Protestantism. Through tradition, the religion carried on to what we have today. As such, Christianity was always about the obsolete Old Testament Jewish Gospels about the Jews, a worship style religion in an era without worship, and the Jewish Jesus who came only to the Jews and never in the history of the world had anything to do with the Gentiles. Christianity was always a religion looking back to the old era, completely missing the Age of Grace and our relationship with God.
It was God through Paul that gave us the mystery of the indwelling Spirit and our relationship with Him. The Body of Christ is a relationship without the old-era worship and is not a religion at all.
Christianity, from its inception, was never a biblical religion and always followed non-biblical doctrines without God.
None of those are Christian. Mormons and JWs, snake handlers are cults, I don't consider them a religion.
That's the point. They do, and they call themselves Christians, as do the Pres USA, who promote homo sex, and the Charismatics, who promote the false gospels of
Money for Money, the
Word of Faith,
Name-it-Claim-it, the
Health and Wealth Prosperity Movement, and other similar scams focused on separating people from their money, following an Acts 2 verse taken badly out of context in tongues that began in 1901 and focused on a spirit that has nothing to do with God or the Bible—and they call themselves Christians. Yet this religion is no more valid biblically than the snake handlers, the Shakers, the Amish, the Mormons, the JWs, and the rest. Everyone calls themselves a Christian. These are all unique religions, not derivatives of a religion one would call denominations.