There's a lot going on in Matthew 24 because Jesus is answering 3 questions asked by the disciples in response to him saying the temple would be destroyed. They had no prophetic depth perception to be able to know they all wouldn't happen at the same time.
- When will these things be, ie temple destroyed?
- What is the sign of your coming?
- What is the sign of the end of the age?
#1 was obviously 70AD, #2 is his 2nd coming and #3 either refers to the end of the age of Judea, or the end of the age of the nations, ie, Christ's return. So there's a lot to sort out IMO
Yes. However, I've been studying this for many years, and praying for help. I've gone through a lot of changes, but this is what I believe now...humbly.
The prophecy Jesus gave was given while still under the contract of Law with Israel. It was foretold that Israel would break this contract, and be taken away into captivity.
This happened before during the Babylonian Captivity, and what Jesus said here, in the Olivet Discourse, is more of the same. So it isn't that difficult to understand if viewed in this way.
So Jesus said that Israel would, once again, fall to their enemies. This was strange to Jesus' Disciples because they knew he was the Messiah. And it was prophesied that Messiah would politically deliver Israel for all time. They just didn't recognize that Messiah had to come twice, the 1st time to suffer, and the 2nd time to restore the nation.
So when they heard from Jesus that the temple would be completely destroyed they wanted to know when this would happen, and how it relates to the end of the age, when Israel would be restored? Jesus told them the destruction of Jerusalem would happen in their own generation. This is very similar to a prophecy in Ezekiel about the coming Babylonian judgment. Ezekiel was told to say that judgment would not take place in the far distance, time-wise, but would be visited almost imminently.
It was the same thing with this Roman judgment Jesus was foretelling. The Romans would come in that very generation, in the generation that would crucify him. And this would lead to an extended exile--the worst in Israel's history. I think you can admit that the NT Jewish Diaspora has been the worst punishment ever visited upon the Jewish People?
But Jesus implied that his Coming would take place at the end of this time of Jewish exile, to save them. His coming would be not just to judge his enemies, but even more, to save his Jewish People. Though this Address was given under the Law, we can learn from it in the NT period even as Gentile believers. We have the same trials to bear in our own countries.