Many professing Christians regularly pull verses out of their actual contexts. In fact, I have been in several churches where it was commonplace for the pastor, associate pastors, elders, Sunday school teachers, etc., etc. to all do the same. I still recall literally trembling the first time that I read the Bible from cover to cover for myself. Why was I trembling? Because I saw that just about every thing that I was being taught in church was a total misapplication of scripture. What I was reading and what I was being taught in church were so far apart that I initially thought that I might be insane. In other words, there simply was no reconciling the two because they were worlds apart. Seeing how I was but a babe in Christ, my initial thought was that I must be the problem. However, after prayerfully reading the Bible from cover to cover several times, I came to the conclusion that I was not insane, and I chose to follow the teachings of scripture over the teachings of any man or church. That was the best decision that I ever made because I believe that I saved my soul in doing so.
Here is the verse in question.
Mat 18:18
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Mat 18:19
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
For me, the key word here is "for" in verse 20 which means "because. Seeing how Jesus is in the midst wherever two or three are gathered together in his name, Christians have the authority to bind or loose certain things here on earth. In other words, I do not personally believe that Jesus was teaching that he is only in the midst when two or three gather together in his name for a specific purpose. Instead, I believe that he was saying that he is always in the midst when two or three gather together in his name, and this was the reason for their authority here on earth. Having said that, we need to strongly consider what it truly means to be gathered together "in his name."
A major part of this problem, from what I have personally observed, is that a lot of professing Christians turn to the Bible for confirmation of something they have predetermined to do. Such go "quote mining" for any scripture that they can use, regardless of its actual context, to somehow justify their own predetermined beliefs or actions. This is a very dangerous thing to do, and, quite frankly, I see certain people on this forum who regularly "quote mine" to somehow substantiate their own beliefs. In other words, they want the Bible to say something, so they skim through its pages to "wrest" some scriptures from it to allegedly support their erroneous beliefs.
I just gave some, but I will add this.
Any rational person, whether they profess to be a Christian or not, has to know that something is terribly wrong with "the church" because there are so many schisms in it. In other words, it is beyond obvious that everybody cannot be correct in their doctrine or beliefs because of the major contrasts which exist within professing Christendom. If everybody was truly humbling themselves before the Lord, with no agendas of their own, and if everybody was truly seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, then we would all be like-minded, and the mind that we would all share would be the mind of Christ. Sad to say, this is not even remotely a reality. The cure? Although we cannot cure others without their genuine cooperation, we can at least cure ourselves by humbly submitting ourselves to the word of God, and to the Spirit of God.