What I bolded, I never said, that's your assumption of what I meant by having mature pastors who can teach both the elemental doctrines and the meat of the word. I also am not talking about individualism. The Church in the Book of Acts was in it's fledgling stages. Christ's death and Resurrection introduced a whole new way of living. They had to learn things that were not in the OT, hence the gifts of prophecy and knowledge. They were needed then, now we have the written word, all the Lord needs to say to us for "walking the walk" and what is to come, has been said.
John 4:23
But a time is coming—and now is here—when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such people to be his worshipers.
Coming, because the Church would begin soon and was now, because Christ showed us the prototype of how we would be living in the Church age. ie. by grace through faith in the power of the Spirit.
You even said the Church was
"established" (post#275) upon the apostles teaching which, is exactly what I have been saying all along because the scripture says it.
Ephesians 2:20
because you have been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.
You don't continually establish something once it is done or lay foundations all the way up the building. It's foundation will not look different but the building ought to be growing and changing corporately as well as individually.
The whole purpose of Paul writing 1Cor.13 was to teach the "exuberant" Corinthians (and anyone who would follow their way of thinking) there was a purpose to the gifts and it was to help you grow to be the Church who abide by faith, hope and love. As a Church, whether it is universal or our local congregation, the mark of maturity is not how many gifts are operating, but how faithful are we to the word, how confident are we in God's promise and how well do we love each other and the unsaved. If we are truly growing to maturity we ought to see the gifts less and less as they are needed less and less.
Unless you have worshiped in 90% of the worldwide congregations, I don't put much stock in your opinion and I'm sure the Lord doesn't need it either as He knows who are His. I'm grateful the Lord has led me to a local Church that takes the word of the Lord seriously and endeavours to apply His truth to their lives. They readily recognise the gifts and talents of the congregation and try to encourage all.