God, knowing how each one of us will think, and how would choose for something, has pre-determined who is to be involved for a given situation that God will bring about to have on display before the eyes of angels.
Keep in mind. For the angels, our lives are often for them like watching a movie. Movie stories written and created by how people are being sovereignly placed before angels to watch and study. In many ways, for them, it is like watching a presentation to learn about themselves. Learn by how God (being the casting director) presents a story for them with His choice of human actors. He chooses each actor according to God's full knowledge of how he will choose to think and behave when placed into situations that God sovereignly predetermined to take place.
For example...
The sufferings of Job.
What happened to Job was intensely watched by both fallen and the elect angels.
With great interest, angels were watching Job's ordeal, which developed for them into an intense ongoing drama.
What happened to Job was something intense and deeply personal to the angels. Because, they had come out of their own great personal conflicts and sufferings that involved God's dealing with the angels during the era of the rebellion of Satan.
So, because God knows how we would each choose freely? God utilizes that knowledge to create scripts for scenes to present before angels to learn from. And, to even to be entertained by what is presented!
That is why it says...
In the same way, I tell you,
there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.”
Luke 15:10
The angels cheer because of how God has sovereignly placed people into situations, and utilizes how He knows each free will would interact within given situations, situations that God in eternity past set the stage for!
God has predetermined, using the free will of man, the entire show of History!
In Christ.... grace and peace