I was in unbelief in the way that I was a false convert and thought I was a Christian. I responded to an alter call, repeated the prayer with "all my heart", and was declared saved by my pastor. Even went and got baptized after for good measure and to obey. For 5 or so years thought I was a Christian, went to church, did everything I thought Christians did. Then true trial hit me, I was in a motorcycle wreak that took all function from my right, and dominate, arm. This sent me on a downward spiral and wanting to die. I thought about killing myself at least once every 5 minutes or so for 2 solid years and couldn't help it. I thought I knew God and was a Christian, but it wasn't helping at all. I got to the point I wanted nothing but to die, have no feeling at all in my right arm so could easily cut my wrist without even having o feel the bite of the blade, it was a easy way out. I could justify doing it in every way, but just could not leave my 2 sons in life with "my dad killed himself". So I was stuck.
After shouldering these burdens for this long I no longer thought a God existed. I didn't get mad at Him or "denounce" Him or anything, just knew He didn't help, if He was real. When I hit my knees, when He brought me to my knees, I did not believe in Him anymore, I hit my knees in defeat. I did not call His name or say I'm ready now. I hit my knees crying "I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore. World you win and I quit!".
I picked my pathetic weeping self, off the floor, and went to bed. The next day I got up and did my normal thing and went to work.
It hit me at lunch that day harder that a pallet of bricks, "I haven't thought about killing myself at all today!!!!!!"
It was right then and there that I KNEW 2 things, whatever this was it was God, and that Jesus was His Son. at the time I had no clue what was going on, but I had a new hunger for His word and He sent me right to John. By the time I read chapter 3 I had to go out to the receptionist, she was a Christian as well, and told her "I think I was born again", and was.
The first part of your comment, "How were you in unbelief when he saved you? ", I can appreciate and just answered.
However this, "If unbelief then you were not saved? ", is you telling me about my salvation. You don't get to do that. Yes I testify 100% in His name that when He saved me I did NOT believe, if I ever really did before. I don't think I did even though I liked the "idea" of it. I thought it was a good message and way to live. But He saved me once I saw the truth that my way was garbage and led to death.