Here are some of them from Focus on the Family.
- Intrusive negative thoughts about religion or moral issues.
- Needless guilt and fear about offending God or committing sin.
- Fear of God’s punishment.
- Concern about misinterpreting religious teachings.
- Fear of going to the “wrong” place of worship.
- Constant self-examination.
- Doubt about whether your ethical choices truly are for the greater good.
- Fixation over whether you’re a “good” person.
I call it OCB
Man calls it disorder
I call it behavior
Once any person chooses to beleive God in risen Son for them. It is a can of worms that get opened to them
Man people interfering, people end not listening to God only in them for them, wanting only what is best for them.
I must, I must, I must or else. And so people do as told, to be saved and stay saved by God for them. OCB
Now see what Paul is talking about in Romans 7, read-re-read and re-read again and again
Actually read the entire book of Romans one bit at a time, and trust Father God of risen Son to reveal truth over error to you in Love to you, unconditionally. Read all the Epistles and hear truth over error that Father places in us in love and ,mercy given us, undeservingly
God does just love us all, each person individually above it all. personally
therefore, Father God the Father of risen Son Jesus is waiting for you to choose to go to God and hear truth of God over error in this world we are in.
And sincerely hear God just loves you, as you might say, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God says to you my Son for you took away all sin from my sight. So, we can have a talk without behavior in the way.
Man continues in under Law to do to get to be saved and to stay saved, this makes God Father and Son Tyrants, you did it wrong you got to be punished for your behavior or rewarded. That is religion that has got in the way of the truth of God Father's love for us all
By this love and mercy, I see to stand in thanksgiving and praise, no longer focused on whether I sin again or not. What??????????????????????
Yeah, you being made aware of sin is great. To continue to focus on whether or not you sin again or not is not good for you, why????????????? that is what brings sin out of people, and you are in that trap too, under Law Romans 7:10. You are finding out what under Law does and is doing to you too.
How to get out from under Law, to Holding up Law, because Law is good, and perfect of itself. yet as soon as I step into it, I either sin again or not. If I see I do not sin again, I get proud and act as if a better person than others (Luke 18:9-14) The Law was never put in place for us to behave, no one can perfectly. Yet can in some and others not. As you are seeing and not wanting to be in you anymore.
Thank you, now turn to Father in prayer in you and ask Daddy, how to get this under Law gone, that is besetting you, trying to not do it again, Sin takes occasion by the command to not sin.
God will reveal God's grace through risen Son to you, as you, I see will not quit inquiring to know truth over error. The truth will and is setting you free, you trusting God to save you, not trusting Law to get it. No one can, trust Father to take the place of law of religion.
First, Son came to earth through Mary of the tribe of Judah to fulfill the Law of Moses and the prophets that prophesied of his coming all over the first (Old) Testament.
Matthew 5:17 states this fact why he came. Was not to destroy Law, was to fulfill Law
The law is still in place after his one time willing death for us all. (John 19:30)Those in belief come to see growth in them given them to see from Father by risen son to them
All sin has now gotten taken away by Son Jesus for them (John 1:29)
This got done, Son separated sin and death for us to now go freely to Father in prayer and ask for the new life in the risen Son offered to all. Those that sincerely ask, get this imputed in them to not be under Law, these see to uphold Law as good. these in this love and mercy given them fulfill Law, Love of God fulfills Law all Law, as Love of God is the greatest of all law(s)
Trusting you to see as Father reveals what is needed to get revealed to you. Thank you