I was under the impression that GWH said that Paul asked Timothy to bring Mark to Rome (2 Tim 4:11) and Mark was in Antioch (Acts 15:37-38). So I added a verse (Acts 13:13) to support the possibility that Mark was in Jerusalem when Peter and Silas were there at the Jerusalem Council.
there is much to become aware of. as we each in belief or not to God Father in risen Son or not.
I'm accountable to me, not anyone else, nor am I accountable to the disciples, and they are not accountable to me
I see I am accountable to God. The same as King David stated back to Nathaniel.
I not only did this, what you said I did. More importantly, David saw he ultimately did what he did to God personally
How many of us people are accountable to God personally? I see why God said David is a man after his own heart.
David sincerely repented and that got accounted to him as righteousness from Father, Daddy. PaPa to me
Love all, not just a few. You have angst against another, or others have angst against you
Before you offer your or any gift in at the Altar of any church building
Go and do this first. You harmed go and tell them. As well forgive all that have or might have done you harm as well
You want to be freed. It takes being willing to be freed to see and go through things like that, to get freed and see it personally, being given a new clean conscience in it from Father of Risen Son form you too
Hebrews 9:14
how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God
Hebrews 10:2
For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.
Do you now see what under Law is doing and has done to humans? The first chosen could never do it perfect ever. What makes anyone else think they can
Read 1 Tim 1 and see why the Law was put in place in the first place. Read Galatians thoroughly as well, read it not in verses only the entire 6 chapters please to see the real truth for you to love all by the done work of son for you too, thank you