for it is by grace we have been saved (a completed action) through faith.
I was saved by grace, I recieved the grace gift in faith
Since I was not saved by faith. I can not lose salvation because I lack faith (even if we are faithless, he remains faithful)
You can;t persevere to the end. Gods requirment is perfection. You have falled short. you and I are falling short. and we will always fall short.
so what are we enduring? continuing to fall short?
enduring is what we do here on earth.. to recieve a reward.. Thos in the great tribulation who endure till christ returns will be saved physically
enduring is NEVER used on context of eternal salvation
I was saved by grace, I recieved the grace gift in faith
Since I was not saved by faith. I can not lose salvation because I lack faith (even if we are faithless, he remains faithful)
You can;t persevere to the end. Gods requirment is perfection. You have falled short. you and I are falling short. and we will always fall short.
so what are we enduring? continuing to fall short?
enduring is what we do here on earth.. to recieve a reward.. Thos in the great tribulation who endure till christ returns will be saved physically
enduring is NEVER used on context of eternal salvation
Since I was not saved by faith.": Yes, we are saved BY God THROUGH faith (in EPH 2:8 but BY faith in RM 3:28).
2. Re "I can not lose salvation because I lack faith (even if we are faithless, he remains faithful)": 2TM 2:11-13 says,
"If we died with him, we will also live with him; [meaning we have saving faith and will go to heaven]
IF we endure, we will also reign with him. [meaning that saving faith must persevere in order for us to go to heaven]
If we disown him, he will also disown us; [meaning if we commit apostasy, God will cancel our salvation]
If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself." [meaning that God is not to blame for apostasy. This
interpretation is supported by RM 3:3-6, which speaks of God's wrath toward unfaithful Jews.]
3. Re "You can;t persevere to the end. Gods requirment is perfection. You have falled short. you and I are falling short. and we will always fall short." GRFS is saving faith through/by which we are spiritually circumcised and credited as sharing the righteousness of Christ (RM 4:1-3).
4. Re "so what are we enduring? continuing to fall short? enduring is what we do here on earth.. to recieve a reward.. Thos in the great tribulation who endure till christ returns will be saved physically enduring is NEVER used on context of eternal salvation there you have it": There you disagree with the 16 Scriptures teaching that perseverance is necessary for salvation cited previously.
5. Re "faith is a one time event, and salvation is forever. Faith is also an ongoing event, of which salvation does not depend on.": Saving faith begins at the one time event called repentance/conversion and ongoes as a lifelong process called sanctification.
6. Re "We can not agree if you think we can lose salvation.": Well good, because I do not think that, so we can agree
(if you agree with GW in #1-5 :^)