You need to read on, For the people asked Jesus after Jesus made that comment, what work they had to do. and jesus answered
John 6: 28 Then they said to Him, “
What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered and said to them, “
This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”
Our faith in Christ is the work of God. He draws us, He teaches us, He brings us to repentance. We can take no glory or credit for saving ourselves because we did not do any work of merit.
As them what? Did they make the golden serpent? Did they hang the serpent on the pole? did they raise it up so everyone could see it?
God did all the work and offered it to them for healing. God just asked them to trust him.
What did Jesus say? He who believes is not condemned, he who does not believe is condemned already.
The ones who did not look were already condemned, Yet grace was offered to them, They rejected him and his offer of grace. Its no different than those who reject the offer of grace today and refuse to look to the cross.
you work to merit a reward or a wage.. Salvation is not something we can merit. it is a gift. paid for in full by the giver, As jesus said, "it is finished" in the Greek literally "paid in full" "Tetelesti"
sorry bro, we do no cooperate with God. that is a catholic ploy.
A gift giver gives you a gift. You have a option to recieve the gift in faith, or to reject it.
Recieve the gift in faith is no you cooperating with the giver, it is you freely receiving the gift the giver paid for.
You reject the gift, you reject the benefits of the gift.. And that's on you.
The only thing you will earn or merit as far as salvation gospel is condemnation.
If ones understanding inserts a contradiction. then the persons understanding is in error. They can use this (like I have in the past) to research and resolve the misunderstanding. or they can continue to ignore the issue that their understanding makes the word of God contradict itself.
that is why the word is so powerful. it interprets itself. and it gives us all a means to check and balance our understanding
I disagree.
the entire discussion is based on the fact that positional sanctification is only assured, if our conditional sanctification takes place. It has always been the case of legalistic view that our justification is based on our sanctification. - ie. we are eternally justified, as long as we continue to grow and do works. if our works stop. or we fail to meet some standard. then our positional sanctification (justification) ceases to exist. and we are lost.
I just go off the word.
Hebrews 10:14
by one offering He has perfected forever those who are
being sanctified.
perfected forever is in the perfect tense. a completed action.
being sanctified is in the preseent tense in the passive voice. It is ongoing, and it is not us doing the work. it is God doing the work to us.
I would stop tryign to take credit away from God. just my own personal opinion. But I rest on it.
I can not be justified ( a completed action) while I am still being justified.
Your right, It literally means to be declared righteous. But in all aspects of # 2, According to Gods commands, I am still not righteous. I am still guilty, because I still fall short of Gods standard (the wages of sin is death, the gift of God is life.)
to be justified is the means we are born again. set free from the penalty of sin. declaired righteous. paid in full
by one offing I have been perfected forever.
No, Because people do not just stop trusting what saved them, and 2nd, again, John said those who stop believing (they deny christ in unbelief) were never saved.
Not sure why you continue to argue against the word.
John said they were NEVER OF US
James said their FAITH WAS DEAD (lifeless, non existant,)
You take of it what you will. I can just go by what they said.
the only soil that produced fruit was the 4th soil.. Non of the rest produced any fruit. so where these soils that never did anythign for God to produce fruit (had no works ever) saved?
you tell me.
1. show me one person who truly professed Christ like the tax collector. Because they became poor in spirit (spiritually bancrupt) who changed his or her mind and wanted to go back to spiritual bankrupcy and back to being lost.
2. Heb 6. The author was talking to people who wanted to return to the law
according to the law. when you sinned, you had to give a sacrifice to be restored to God. (without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness)
The author is stating a fact , if we fall away (if it is possible) we can not be renewed to repentance. We are lost forever. there is no hope of returning..
and even claiming we could lose salvation (again returning to the law) puts Christ to open shame, because they claim the blood of bulls and goats is more important than the blood of our savior.
so you can not respond to the fact. and you think Gods standard is silly.. noted
I am just responding to points you make