The differences between the Beza Greek, and the Nestle and Aland (or Westcott and Hort 1881 Greek) is very significant.
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The Nestle-Aland (NA) and UBS editions of the Greek New Testament differ in page layout and intended use, but
they use the same Greek text. The NA is often preferred for scholarly research, while the UBS is designed for students and translators.
The NA edition of the Greek New Testament is often considered the best choice for scholarly research.
The UBS edition of the Greek New Testament is designed for students and translators. The UBS text is the most widely-used text of the New Testament.
Other Greek New Testament editions:
- Textus Receptus: The Greek basis for the New Testament used in the King James Bible.
- Novum Testamentum Graece: An edition of the Greek New Testament that some scholars consider to be the most accurate
Differences between editions
NA and UBS editions differ in some details of punctuation and capitalization. The page layout and intended use also differ between the two editions
I say ---Nothing here about changing Scripture ----all about punctuation etc
NIV (New International Version)
Summary: The most popular modern version of the Bible,
known for its excellent and broadly accessible balance of accuracy and readability.
- Year released: 1978 (Revised 2011)
- Reading level: 7 (Relatively easy)
- Translation team/sponsor: 100+ evangelical Bible scholars for Biblica (licensed to Zondervan in the U.S.)
The NIV’s deft balance of accuracy and readability has established it as the most popular modern Bible version. More than 100 international scholars labored for over a decade to capture the original meaning of each passage without sacrificing accessibility, beginning in the 1960s and finally publishing the finished version in 1978.
KJV (King James Version)
Summary: The enduring and influential classic that set the bar for English Bible translations.
Best for traditional worship settings and historical or literary-minded readers.
- Year released: 1611
- Reading level: 12 (Very challenging)
- Translation team/sponsor: 47 Anglican scholars and clergy for King James I of England
One of the most popular books in the world for hundreds of years, the
King James Version needs little introduction.
Commissioned (or “authorized”) by King James I of England in 1604, undertaken by a team of 47 scholars, and released in 1611, the KJV became the definitive Bible version in the English-speaking world until at least the mid-twentieth century. It is directly responsible for hundreds of English terms and phrases that we use every day — often without realizing their Biblical origin.
The KJV initially took a formal equivalence approach, though (because it was intended to be read aloud in services) it paid special attention to the beauty and elegance of the language. That effort still bears fruit today.
On the other hand, our language has changed a lot since 1611, and some of the phrasing and sentence structure can be confusing to modern readers. We no longer use “thee” and “thou” as informal pronouns, for example, which makes them paradoxically sound more formal.
In addition, 400 years of Bible scholarship has enabled us to see areas where the KJV translators had less access to the resources we have today, and had to make some occasionally puzzling guesses. (My personal favorite is from
Numbers 23:22,
God “hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.” Today most translations use “wild ox.”)
Strong's Lexicon---KJV ---uses unicorn ---others use wild OX ---
means the same thing
reem: Wild ox, unicorn
Bible_Highlighter,----Your trying to make this whole thing complicated and it is not ----say what you like --all Bibles Say the same thing -----your Grasping at straws to try and say that the King James Bible is the only accurate translated Bible -----you can think that ---but all Bible give out the same Spiritual message and you can't change that by saying one bible is better than another ---you might like the King James B better than others but your Bible is no better than any other ----
NKJV (New King James Version)
Summary: An update to the KJV that preserves its literary majesty
while modernizing archaic words and phrases.