Simply just to study more about how Jesus pleased people from which Paul took his example.
Jesus actually got a lot of people angry, so in what way did He please people?
Oh, well, okay, let us see:
In MT 3:15-17 we see Jesus pleasing God by being baptized.
In MT 4:1-11 we see that Jesus did NOT please the devil.
In MT 4:23-25 Jesus pleased the people by healing their diseases.
In MT 5:17 we can infer that Jesus pleased the Pharisees by saying that he did not come to abolish the law,
(although v.20 must have given them concern :^).
In MT 8:34 Jesus displeased an entire town by drowning their pigs.
In MT 9:11&14 Jesus displeased the Pharisees by associating with sinners and the disciples of John by not making his own disciples fast.
In MT 9:35 we see that Jesus continued to please the crowds because he healed their diseases.
In MT 11:20 Jesus showed displeasure with the obstinacy of folks in three towns.
In MT 12:2&14 the Pharisees were so displeased with Jesus for breaking Sabbath laws that they began plotting how to kill him.
In MT 12:38-39 the Jewish leaders could not have been pleased when Jesus called them a wicked and adulterous generation.
In MT 13:53-58 the people of Nazareth and Jesus manifested mutual displeasure.
In MT 14:20 the 5,000 were pleased after being fed fish and bread.
In MT 15:37 this pleasure was reprised with the 4,000.
In MT 16:17 Jesus was pleased with Peter for believing that he was the Messiah and Son of God.
In MT 16:23 Jesus was displeased with Peter for disagreeing with the need for his atonement.
In MT 17:5 God revealed being pleased with His Son, whom He loves.
In MT 17:17-20 Jesus voiced displeasure with perverse disciples who had little faith.
In MT 19:14 Jesus indicated being pleased with little children.
In MT 21:12-13 Jesus showed displeasure with those who were profiting off of those coming to the temple.
In MT 21:18-19 Jesus was displeased by a fruitless fig tree.
In MT 22:18 Jesus expressed displeasure with the Pharisees for being hypocrites.
In MT 22:29 Jesus indicated displeasure with the Sadducees for not knowing Scripture and God's power to resurrect souls.
In MT 23 Jesus condemned both the Pharisees and the Sadducees for being hypocrites, blind guides and the devil's brood.
In MT 24 Jesus commended the faithful and wise servants who do God's will until the end.
In MT 25 Jesus illustrated in parables God's pleasure with faithful servants who qualify for eternal life.
In MT 26:24 Jesus was displeased with Judas because of his betrayal.
In MT 26:38-42 the prayer of Jesus manifested conflict between displeasure by his human nature at the prospect of suffering death and pleasure by his divine nature for obeying the will of his heavenly Father.
In MT 27:20&25 the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowd to express displeasure with Jesus.
In MT 27:44 the two rebels being crucified with Jesus also insulted him.
In MT 28:19-20 Jesus indicated that he will be pleased with disciples who witness for the Gospel.