God bless you and may God have mercy on us all.
I definitely am in need of His mercy every day.
At times I think back and feel as if all the sins that I have ever done sadly as a Christian are ever before me in the same way David felt (Ps. 51:3). I feel like I'm nothing more than a sinner in need of God’s mercy and saving grace (which I believe encompasses forgiveness, love and compassion) on a daily basis. I pray I submit everything to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that I'd seek His will of doing the Father's will and not my own will (Heb. 5:9; Mt. 7:21). I pray I avoid things that are of any defilement to my soul and body, keeping myself pure, giving me the way to purge and cleanse myself, all of which is by God’s help, by submitting to His teaching or commandments of repentance and to live holy (2 Tim. 2:21; 2 Peter 3:9; Lk. 13:3; 1 Peter 1:16, cf: Lev. 11:44, 19:2, 20:7). I pray He molds me into the person to bring Him the glory as a vessel of honor and mercy, as He is the potter and I am the clay (2 Tim. 2:21; Rom. 9:21, 23; cf. Jer. 18:2-4; Is. 29:13-16, 64:8). I want the mindset of Philippians 4, the qualities and Christlike character found in 2 Peter 1.
All for His glory (Ps. 29:2, 62:7; 1 Cor. 16:28, etc etc). I pray that when I sin, I have fruits and works of repentance (Mt. 3:8; Acts 26:20), trusting in His grace to help me to do this as I fall short, as well as trusting His mercy. All glory to God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. These three are one (1 Jn. 5:7)
I cannot do enough good deeds to atone for the bad things I've done. My only hope is God to grant me grace and mercy which I do not deserve. Jesus is the only one through whom that can take place. I definitely am not deserving of all that He does, all that He has done for me..but through His love, mercy and kindness He has provided a way whereby I could have salvation through the cross of Christ, the death of His Dear Son, the gospel, the resurrection…
As I was drowning in sin before (and sadly many times after) I became a Christian…helpless to save myself with my own power…helpless to devise a plan to save myself with no saving grace to redeem myself. I still at times feel like I’m drowning in sin, as I’ve lived many years as a horrible Christian…but by His mercy and grace He extended His lifeline..the gospel, His saving grace and mercy, the precious soul saving redeeming blood of Christ which saves my filthy soul when I never once deserved it. He has given me opportunities to repent, to change my life when I failed. I thank him for His wondrous mercy. No one deserves it, but once again He shows He is long suffering by withholding what I and anyone truly deserves, and in so doing that is also grace, as it is giving us another undeserved blessing to be able to repent and get my life back on the narrow way.
I fail miserably and I desperately need His mercy and grace. His love and compassion. There are many times where I fail miserably at trying to live for my Savior, as I can never live sinless and perfect like Him. Anyone who is saying they can is lying or delusional. I’m not ashamed to admit I have flaws.
The only perfect person to walk the planet from birth to adulthood they nailed to a cross. I’m not perfect and cannot live perfect, but that is no excuse for anyone to live in sin.
There are times where I feel like I’m nothing more than a sinner. Life’s woes, worries, storms and struggles can cause a man to get out of the light. In my life there are many times where I’ve felt like the publican/tax collector in Luke 18:13 ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ There many times I’ve felt like I’m nothing more than a hypocrite on certain things. Sometimes I feel like David in Psalm 51 in the first 2 verses. I believe I have done terrible things in my life. Things that make me wonder how God could ever forgive me. A lot of people might not think those things were horrible. Some might even think they are normal...
I wonder how God could ever forgive me, but Jesus made all of that possible. I did not do one thing to deserve His forgiveness. If I got what I really deserved, I believe it would be hell. If salvation was solely based on my own goodness then I’m eternally damned and rightfully so, but thanks be to God’s undeserving love, grace and mercy there is hope for a wretched man that I have been for what feels like forever!
God’s grace, appearing through and by Jesus (Jn 1:17), has God reaching down to save us when we didn’t deserve (and still don’t deserve) and we by faith reached up to His grace that He extended in Christ to be saved. God’s grace has God reaching down to save man who doesn’t deserve it.
I’m a man of many flaws saved by the Man with none.
What a marvelous God we serve.