I am corrupted. And I admit it. I cheated on my partner and then proceeded to handle it in the most humiliating and stupid way possible. Lying, gaslighting, doing anything to protect my reputation except for admit the truth. But I realize now and admit, I am very corrupted.
I’m not asking for sympathy. I don’t need it nor deserve it. But this situation has made me realize my long awaited reunion with God and realizing I need his guidance in this journey of healing and redemption as I promise myself and those affected to fix myself and get the help I need because I want to better myself. I am not the person I want to be.
I ask that you pray for my healing journey. That it may take me far down this difficult and rough path that I personally paved, and now vow to fix. I also pray that those affected can realize that they were never at fault, for it was I who am completely at fault. I also pray that overtime they can realize the growth that I will take and learn to ensure that this tragedy will be faught.
I know that I can never undo the damage I have done. I have broken a person I still care about and it breaks me deeply. I am disgusted with myself and vow to change myself. I will change. I need to.
I ask for prayers to help guide me.
I’m not asking for sympathy. I don’t need it nor deserve it. But this situation has made me realize my long awaited reunion with God and realizing I need his guidance in this journey of healing and redemption as I promise myself and those affected to fix myself and get the help I need because I want to better myself. I am not the person I want to be.
I ask that you pray for my healing journey. That it may take me far down this difficult and rough path that I personally paved, and now vow to fix. I also pray that those affected can realize that they were never at fault, for it was I who am completely at fault. I also pray that overtime they can realize the growth that I will take and learn to ensure that this tragedy will be faught.
I know that I can never undo the damage I have done. I have broken a person I still care about and it breaks me deeply. I am disgusted with myself and vow to change myself. I will change. I need to.
I ask for prayers to help guide me.
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