We have been given our marching orders, brace for impact!
I have been seriously studying the rapture for the last five years, started in March of 2020 when the Pandemic hit. Prior to that time I have been a Christian since 1972, and seriously began studying the Bible since 1979. Have I and others been "wrong" about how soon the Lord would return before? Depends how you want to define "wrong". I thought it was always better to be safe than to be sorry.
If you go through this blog you will see many times I thought it was a "high watch time". This was based on a possible interpretation of the scripture. The Bible hasn't changed, and the verses that I thought were relevant has also not changed. What has changed is I have accumulated more and more verses and become more and more precise in my understanding. Thomas Edison said he wasn't wrong 99 times he simply had found 99 theories that didn't work. That is my attitude, I felt with every step we took we got closer and closer to understanding what is going on.
Five years ago I did not know the year that Jesus was crucified, today I believe I have nailed that down, not by some archaelogist or hair brained theory but based on the word of God. Based on the word of God I believe I can confirm that Jesus was crucified in 32 AD and I can also show why it wasn't 30, 31 or 33 AD.
That is big because according to Hosea 6 this would mean that the Jews and Israel would be enlivened prior to June of 2032 and raised up shortly after June of 2032. They will be enlivened prior to Armageddon so we can conclude that Armageddon in 2032 is very likely and that seven years earlier in 2025 is the start of the 70th week.
Five years ago I did not know if the 70th week began on Tishrei 1 or Nisan 1. Now I feel quite certain it is Nisan 1 and what starts it is they sacrifice the red heifer. 70 weeks is a very specific time of sinning against the Lord. The Lord said you forgive 70x7, or 70 weeks of time. To sacrifice the red heifer is an official act of defiance and rebellion against Jesus Christ, the Messiah who was crucified for them.
We have several signs to watch.
1. They will divide the Jews land just as the soldiers divided Jesus clothes when He was on the cross. However, when you see that it will be too late. Still it should precede the rapture, which is marked by a great earthquake just as Jesus' death on the cross was.
2. We should also see the destruction of Damascus so that it becomes a ruinous heap. But again, that is very likely too late as it may coincide with the death of Jesus and the two thieves on the cross (very likely that both Kiev and Damascus will be nuked).
3. The collapse of the US dollar and the money changers table being flipped will take place two or three days before these other events. So that should be a sign, but again, too late to brace yourself as running to the store then will not work.
The good news is that Jesus was crucified on a blood moon and it appears from the Scripture that this blood moon on Purim (March 13th) is the sign to us of when that takes place. This means we are one week away and you probably only have three days to complete any preparations you might have.
If you are raptured congratulations. However, in this blog one of the main things I wanted to know is how many will be raptured and my best guess is a minority of true Christians. Enoch walked with God and he was taken when he was 365 years old. I think that is a very clear word that you must be one who is walking with God 365 days a year and not simply one day a week. However, even if you are raptured you must know people who won't be. So from here on out until March 13th my focus will be on what we are to say and do and leave behind for those who are left behind.
There is one very good piece of news that should encourage us all. When the rapture takes place there will be three days of darkness. Just as Jesus died and took a tour of Hades for three days those of us left behind will be treated to that as well. Outside your window will be a horror movie being played out. Make sure anyone left behind in your home can tape up something to completely block out the windows. If they don't have lights in the home, and most won't, you will want an oil lamp. An oil lamp is the best, but candles can also be used.
The reason I say this is encouraging is that all those who are addicted to their phones, internet and TV will have all of that cut off. Leave them an oil lamp and a Bible and a letter. Tell them they should spend these three days fasting, praying and reading the Bible.