Do you also know the meaning of his name? Methusael = his death shall bring
Yes! However, the Flood actually occurred between 3000-3600BC.
Also, the meaning of the names from Adam to Noah in Hebrew strung together, provide the Gospel message.
- Adam means "man"
- Seth means "appointed"
- Enosh means "mortal"
- Kenan means "sorrow"
- Mahalalel means "the Blessed God"
- Jared means "shall come down"
- Enoch means "teaching"
- Methuselah means "His death shall bring"
- Lamech means "the despairing"
- Noah means "rest".
String together is the Gospel message:
"Man was appointed moral sorrow (because Adam and Eve sinned). But the Blessed God (Jesus) shall come down (to earth) teaching that his death shall bring the despairing (sinners) rest (through salvation)." What an Amazing God we serve!