If someone’s mental health gets so bad that it’s hard to remember Bible stories? I’ve been pretty isolated lately and it just seems like my brain is falling apart. I barely take care of myself anymore cause I don’t see the point. I’m basically living to die. I’ve gone through a Bible a bunch, the new testaments several times but it seems like the most Christian activities I do, the farther away from God’s word I remember. It’s like I continue to drift further and further, even though I’m constantly seeking him. I don’t understand.
It sounds like you might be going through a phase of withdrawal after losing your bearings in some of life's uglier motivations.
I once struggled with apathy and detachment, which affected my memory and concentration. The catalyst was losing what I imagined to be my sense of purpose, a woman, who was unfaithful to me. I know from your introductory post, that my situation back then is somewhat comparable to something that's recently happened to you.
When the spirit of heaviness won't relinquish its grip, pray, drop to your knees and cry out, frustrate it if you can with the garment of praise, sing psalms, leave no stone unturned to come nearer to God.
His love is not a here today and gone tomorrow kinda thing. It's the only strong and steady constant we have, through all our fluctuating thoughts and feelings, doubts and fears, struggles and victories.
The worst part of the world, is always that part which was in us. We need the One who overcame the world to prevail over those things, which just when we thought we were out, would pull us back in, if it were not for Him.