In my belief, both cases would call for intense prayer and brokenness -- not abortion: we need His grace for this life, for the very FACT that it is such a bumpy ride; not because it is a bed of roses (which it is not).
That being said, if you were to die tonight (God-forbid), do you know where you would be going -- heaven? Hell? Do you believe in either? Have you ever asked the Lord Jesus to forgive you for your sins, and come into your heart?
We need the Lord Jesus like the desert needs water; without Him, we are like that desert, utterly void of that water of life... burning hot... longing for and searching for something to meet that need of the heart and soul for that proverbial "water" -- needs that only God can meet; through Christ.
We're selfishly ambitious, proud, committing immorality, etc., etc. -- trying to meet that need that only Jesus can fulfill ! Life itself teaches us that these things do are wrong; but, the only escape is through receiving the Savior appointed by God -- Jesus. Only if we receive His Truth and Spirit do we escape this corruption that is in the world through lust -- that thing that makes us disgusted; such as when a rapist rapes a woman. Are we any better when we are liars against God's Truth, thieves of God's glory, murderers of our fellow humans by keeping them cut off from the Life of God; idolaters? No; we exhibit the same attributes -- we are abominable to God, and we hurt His Heart very much.
We need to repent, and let the blood of Jesus cover our sins, so the wrath of God does not fall on us. Those who receive Christ obtain joy everlasting