ughhhhhhh The ignorance of this world bothers me. I am totally for abstinence btw. The reason I am replying, however, is because of all this nonsense about abortions. First of all, most people who are pro-choice are completely uneducated on the whole thing... I do give credit though to the people who have educated themselves before taking a side. NO REALLY. THANK YOU. Now, I am pro-life for a couple of reasons. Firstly, It is my belief that God knows what he's doing okay... if he put a baby inside you, it's supposed to be there. Every child is a blessing, even if the parent doesn't deserve it or doesn't accept it or wasn't expecting it. Does God just not know what he's doing?? And of course, any time this topic is brought up someone is going to make an argument about conceiving a child after being raped.... which again brings us to what I said previously. GOD put it there, he knows what hes doing. Obvious point coming up next: Who knows what those children could have grown up to be? They could have created a cure for some horrible disease our world faces today, been the president who saved this economy, or even been the waitress you see every day at the diner who has brought 23 people to Christ. WHO KNOWS. Another reason I am pro-life is because I've seen how they murder (yes, I said murder) the babies. It isn't painless. Look up photos on google as well... I dare you. AND these babies are innocent, and DEFENSELESS. I for one am glad though that you can't choose the same fate for your kids AFTER they are born... well a lot of us would be in big trouble then.

Ugh... but enough of my ranting... I'm tired.