I know this may be a touchy subject for some, but I really need some opinions from Christians of whether domestic discipline is something God approves of or not. Yes, it does say “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”(Ephesians 5:22, KJV) But it also says, “Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”(Ephesians 5:24, KJV)
As I continue reading through this section of Ephesians chapter 5, I will for a moment think it is saying that a husband is allowed to punish his wife if needed. But then I go a few more verses and it says, “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.”(Ephesians 5:28, KJV) I don’t know any men that go around punishing themselves when they do something wrong. I also think about the way Jesus treated everyone, no matter who they were; as well as if he punished any of his followers. I’m pretty sure the answer to that is no. From what I’ve read and gone over, I can’t find a reason why this would be something God would want a husband to do to his wife.
I’m just trying to figure out if this is right or wrong in God’s eyes. I know sometimes as Christians we might think something we are doing is okay, but then some time later we find out that it probably wasn’t the best thing because of all the other problems it created along the way. Problems at the time we didn’t see arising.
Please let me know what you think.
As I continue reading through this section of Ephesians chapter 5, I will for a moment think it is saying that a husband is allowed to punish his wife if needed. But then I go a few more verses and it says, “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.”(Ephesians 5:28, KJV) I don’t know any men that go around punishing themselves when they do something wrong. I also think about the way Jesus treated everyone, no matter who they were; as well as if he punished any of his followers. I’m pretty sure the answer to that is no. From what I’ve read and gone over, I can’t find a reason why this would be something God would want a husband to do to his wife.
I’m just trying to figure out if this is right or wrong in God’s eyes. I know sometimes as Christians we might think something we are doing is okay, but then some time later we find out that it probably wasn’t the best thing because of all the other problems it created along the way. Problems at the time we didn’t see arising.
Please let me know what you think.