I specifically gave the demon permission over my body. That's how it started. I know I need to cast him out. That's what I've been trying to do. Please don't heckle me. God bless.
did you do this when you were eight at the same time you were exposed to porn?
Obviously someone in your life is not Christian if they allowed you access to porn.
If you are truly saved and have a personal relationship with JESUS and have the HOLY SPIRIT that allows you to cry out Abba, Father then demons can not touch you. Resist the devil and he will flee.
Do you truly have faith in Jesus? In the promise of God's salvation and ability to save? do you pray?
I would not go to a deliverance team, if they fail they will just blame you and do more harm then good. You don't need fake spiritual warfare. you need JESUS and HIS healing.
If you have faith that Jesus died for the remission of your sins and has washed you clean you don't need to cast out demons because they can NOT live where the Holy Spirit dwells.
they might have left strongholds to torture you and cause you sorrow and restlessness. there might be some habits and thoughts you need to take captive into the obedience of Christ.
You have to pray and expose the lies they have convinced you that are true. One is that they have any rights to you. You NEVER belonged to them. you belong to God and they tried and steal you away and enslave you.
For example if a kidnapper lured a child into the car with some candy and then abused them, but eventually the child was found and blamed themselves for falling for the candy lure, what would you tell them?
Compassion and mercy should begin with yourself. with the realization that Jesus loves you even when you were a sinner He died on the cross for your sins and has Risen. Our Lord is alive.
Do you believe this? Do you believe in your heart God's love and mercy is for YOU?
I'll keep you in my prayers.
I don't have the answers, but I know some one who does:
Pray to God and He will answer.