PC rhetorics
The politically correct diary of the day:
Technique: Guilt by association. Formula: (Falsely) accuse and demonize your opponents effectively. Yell "racist" and "antisemite" (really LOUD and repeatedly, if needed) to all who disagree with you and - hocus-pocus - all you say is justified and true.
[Nice "fruit", eh. No arguments, no willingness to correct those who would be supposedly wrong, just slandering. A reason why I ignore troll posts.]
Pax Americana-Sovjetica
The politically correct diary of the day:
Technique: Guilt by association. Formula: (Falsely) accuse and demonize your opponents effectively. Yell "racist" and "antisemite" (really LOUD and repeatedly, if needed) to all who disagree with you and - hocus-pocus - all you say is justified and true.
[Nice "fruit", eh. No arguments, no willingness to correct those who would be supposedly wrong, just slandering. A reason why I ignore troll posts.]

Pax Americana-Sovjetica
Tribesman & Jimmy,
It is obvious that there are people here who are looking to demonize anything and anyone which does not agree with their exact theology. No one is safe. In their eyes, if you do not agree with them, even on minor details, you are a child of Satan especially those who question their beliefs and conspiracy theories.
Over the last year, since I first encountered these people, I have seen nothing from them but religious rhetoric about how every belief system but theirs is wrong. I have also seen these same people verbally assault and even slander those who would stand up to them regardless of what belief system they hold to.
I have yet to see an ounce of Christian love or compassion from these people for those that they are trying 'correct'. However, I have read plenty of hate speech from these people for those who would reject their ideas. Often times I wonder if these people ever pray for their opponents or even attempt to lift a finger to help those who might disagree with them other than attempting to force feed their beliefs down the throats of others.
Scripture teaches us that we reap what we sow. If you sow seeds of love and respect, you will reap the fruit of love and respect. However, if you sow the seeds of strife and hatred, then you will reap strife and hatred. That is exactly what these people have done and it has reached a boiling point.
You can only push someone to the ground so many times before that person pushes back. That's exactly what you are seeing here. Basically several Amillennialists on these forums bully anyone who does not agree with their theology then demonize those who push back. These forums have become the online version of an elementary school playground.
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