I know that many of you have heard the stories of people who claim to be seekers, yet come into this site's chat room and start arguments in the main chat, usually being rude or blasphemous enough that they get banned within an hour at the most. Many seekers have also come in... however, they usually sit there and watch. I know this; I've talked to many of them. I wanted to share three stories with you.
The first lady was one I greeted after the CC bot said that she had just joined that day. She said in the main chat that she felt like God had told her to come here. I asked if I could PM her. When she said that that would be fine, I asked her privately if she had ever accepted Jesus as her Savior (I actually felt led to ask her that right away). "No, I never have" she said. "I believe that Jesus is God, but I don't see why He had to die". I explained to her how our sins had to paid for, because we couldn't save ourselves, and Jesus was perfect, so His sacrifice paid the price for the bad things we have done. She mentioned that there were some things she was doing that she knew were wrong...she added that she was probably bad, because she rather enjoyed doing those things. I told her that it was normal to feel that way; the Bible says that sin is a pleasure. She said that she wanted to go to church, but didn't know how she'd be treated. I kind of cringed inwardly, knowing that there's a good chance that she'd be judged.....glad she decided to look for God on the internet. Never thought I'd think of the net that way, but recently I have a lot. Anyway, before she left, she said that she was going to ask Jesus to be her Savior
Another lady came in and I asked about her screen name (her moniker made me think that she was curious about Christianity, which she affirmed). I gave her the Gospel in a few sentences. She thanked me and said that she grew up Jewish, but that she and her husband didn't officially even believe in God. I asked her if she'd ever read Isaiah 53. She said that she had; those prophesies are what got her wondering if Jesus might be the Messiah. Part of her hesitation seemed to be that she had assumed that she would have to leave her husband if she accepted Jesus. I assured her that she wouldn't; that scripturally she should actually stay with him unless he insists on leaving her, which really seemed to surprise her. She mentioned that she'd been to other Christian chat websites, but had only watched. She said that she was about to give up, "but then you PM'd me....". Wow, even now as I type that, it felt funny..... so glad I decided to talk to her.
The third story is of a man who typed in the main chat, "Okay, since I'm here, it probably means that I want someone to tell me about God". I said that I'd be glad to talk to him, as did another person. I then PM'd him, just to make sure that he didn't get away
. He started out by telling me that he was an atheist (I think he did this so that he'd know right away if I was judgmental). "Okay, cool" I said. I told him the Gospel. I'd rather not give any more details since others might have seen his announcement in the main chat, but after I answered his questions and said that I needed to leave, he said, "Have an awesome day
. Godspeed".
These people were from three different countries (the US, Europe, and Australia). Both of the women specifically thanked me for telling them the Gospel, as many others have (the Jewish lady even typed "hugs" when I clarified something to make sure that she didn't take what I'd said the wrong way). I've gotten very little opposition, even though everyone I've talked to has been a total stranger, and I don't even have a photo of myself they can see.
Just hoping desperately that we will all tell the Good News to the ones who need to hear it....not just on this website; hopefully everywhere, but it's such a ripe harvest out there in the lounge.....
The first lady was one I greeted after the CC bot said that she had just joined that day. She said in the main chat that she felt like God had told her to come here. I asked if I could PM her. When she said that that would be fine, I asked her privately if she had ever accepted Jesus as her Savior (I actually felt led to ask her that right away). "No, I never have" she said. "I believe that Jesus is God, but I don't see why He had to die". I explained to her how our sins had to paid for, because we couldn't save ourselves, and Jesus was perfect, so His sacrifice paid the price for the bad things we have done. She mentioned that there were some things she was doing that she knew were wrong...she added that she was probably bad, because she rather enjoyed doing those things. I told her that it was normal to feel that way; the Bible says that sin is a pleasure. She said that she wanted to go to church, but didn't know how she'd be treated. I kind of cringed inwardly, knowing that there's a good chance that she'd be judged.....glad she decided to look for God on the internet. Never thought I'd think of the net that way, but recently I have a lot. Anyway, before she left, she said that she was going to ask Jesus to be her Savior
Another lady came in and I asked about her screen name (her moniker made me think that she was curious about Christianity, which she affirmed). I gave her the Gospel in a few sentences. She thanked me and said that she grew up Jewish, but that she and her husband didn't officially even believe in God. I asked her if she'd ever read Isaiah 53. She said that she had; those prophesies are what got her wondering if Jesus might be the Messiah. Part of her hesitation seemed to be that she had assumed that she would have to leave her husband if she accepted Jesus. I assured her that she wouldn't; that scripturally she should actually stay with him unless he insists on leaving her, which really seemed to surprise her. She mentioned that she'd been to other Christian chat websites, but had only watched. She said that she was about to give up, "but then you PM'd me....". Wow, even now as I type that, it felt funny..... so glad I decided to talk to her.
The third story is of a man who typed in the main chat, "Okay, since I'm here, it probably means that I want someone to tell me about God". I said that I'd be glad to talk to him, as did another person. I then PM'd him, just to make sure that he didn't get away
These people were from three different countries (the US, Europe, and Australia). Both of the women specifically thanked me for telling them the Gospel, as many others have (the Jewish lady even typed "hugs" when I clarified something to make sure that she didn't take what I'd said the wrong way). I've gotten very little opposition, even though everyone I've talked to has been a total stranger, and I don't even have a photo of myself they can see.
Just hoping desperately that we will all tell the Good News to the ones who need to hear it....not just on this website; hopefully everywhere, but it's such a ripe harvest out there in the lounge.....