I'm not sure what the answer to the bullying problem is, Liz, but it is an epidemic it seems. In this computerized age, it's not just the playground bully we knew as kids either. I can't believe some of the things people say to one another on facebook and in forums. Perhaps the issue is the lack of accountability...
Look at the Columbine incident. I'm in NO WAY defending what those kids did, but we now know that most of the kids responsible for the attack were bullied by other kids for an extended period of time. Look at the tweens/teens committing suicide due to online bullying. It's tragic.
One thing I have learned in dealing with bullies is that there is strength in numbers. You don't have to beat them to a pulp or anything, but you and others who are experiencing the same thing can stand together and say..hey...enough is enough. We mean you no harm, but knock it off. I've seen this work at schools. I've seen it work in the workplace.
I've arrested bullies. You'd been surprised how quickly they can become meek.
I don't know about anyone else, but I've never met a bully who didn't have insecurity issues. Perhaps ATTEMPTING to befriend them is worth a shot...but..we know that's not easy..but it's not impossible either.

I wonder what their response would be if you told them you had sincerely been praying for them? And actually HAD been.