So, I'm not sure if RoboOp will delete me but bye nonethe less. If not, I might have to force his hand. xD
This sounds like Satan talking To Jesus on top of the building, Kooper.
I didn't even think you are the Kooper I call 'Koopa,' it does not sound like you at all. I know human nature is a rotten thing though, we are ALL rotten at the core, the sin inside us is there, until......
we give it to God and then ALL guilt , ALL shame, ALL blame is GONE , because when we confess our sins (to God) He is FAITHFUL, Koopa, to cleANSE us from ALL unrighteousness .
Don't let you faith go, Koopa, don't let God go, He is there for you, and, so are people that God uses to Love you like no other right now, I see it.
I pray you do too
Note: I figured you were a different 'Kooper' than the Kooper from Canada, or, I would not have typed anything here, I would have PM'd you IMMEDIATELY.
I just don't think, peeps, this is really Koopa, but a Kooper imposter, I have read and seen Koopa's words and He is a turtle fighting after God's own heart. This Kooper here, after having read through a TON of Kooper posts in my mind-fun-loving, conversational, honest- is not who we think he is, I don't think, the only thing I notice the same, and, call me weird if you want, but I notice 'hehe' and think Koopa uses that word , but the rest is someone else from somewher else.
Please, Kooper, listen to the song right now, 'I'm Not Who I Was.'
You are NOT who you were, do NOT go back there. You are ALL God's now
Dear Lord, Help Kooper see....Amen .
Everyone is praying for you, .......... Kooper, or, Koopa.
The Lord DOES lead. And, it is ALL good for ^

Blessings, Kooper
What is the problem?
PM me, if you don't want to say here. The Lord leads.
God bless you, friend.
hopefully the lord lead roboop to delete me... Oh, I'm just a reeeeal crappy christian and have a s*** load of things on my mind. (Hehe, hopefully my self censored word gets me banned at least)