Tonight I was at a youth event with my church and we had to find a friend and talk about one thing that moved us during last week's Youth convention (it's a three day event where youth groups from all over the country come to worship listen to bands like Relient K perform live and hear speakers like Reggie Dabbs) anyways my friend brought up something interesting. There was 1600 people at YC during worship almost all had their arms in the air worshipping God, but there is one thing she kept thinking. "Where is this passion after YC" I agree with her at YC there was such passion such a love for God but I know in my school the same person who was crying at YC on Sunday was using God's name in vain and mocking him on Monday. Teens (me included) where is our passion? Why are we so afraid to share our faith stand up and say "Yes I love God I live for him Jesus is my saviour!" Our we so scared that we might be rejected? What's worse being rejected by our "friends" today, or being rejected by God on judgement day because we didn't want those around us to know that we believed this, so instead we abandon God and go with the crowd. I am not trying to bring anyone down here by the way I know I really need to work on this myself, and it doesn't mean shouting in the halls "I am a Christian" but it could mean that when your friends ask you to go drinking you say no, and if they ask why you tell them because it's not what God wants for you, or even being there for a friend who is in need, and needs God's love. Anyways the point of my rambling is to ask these questions
Why do you sometimes not share proudly that you are God's child?
Where has your passion gone?
I think it is only fair that I answer the questions I am asking.
So #1 I fear what my friends will say I know they would leave me (and the few that do know I am a Christian have left or only come by once in awhile to see if I have fallen so that they can use me). Also I fear that I would be a bad example because I often mess up and I don't want people to think Christianity is a joke because I keep messing up.
#2 My passion is still here but is sometimes muffled by my desire to impress and be loved by my friends.
Alright guys/gals teens/adults feel free to answer and please answer truthfully I did. It could even possibly help you.
Why do you sometimes not share proudly that you are God's child?
Where has your passion gone?
I think it is only fair that I answer the questions I am asking.
So #1 I fear what my friends will say I know they would leave me (and the few that do know I am a Christian have left or only come by once in awhile to see if I have fallen so that they can use me). Also I fear that I would be a bad example because I often mess up and I don't want people to think Christianity is a joke because I keep messing up.
#2 My passion is still here but is sometimes muffled by my desire to impress and be loved by my friends.
Alright guys/gals teens/adults feel free to answer and please answer truthfully I did. It could even possibly help you.