When I look at Proverbs 31 and see the wife of noble character I have to say that actually I am the one who is up early and awake late organinsing and cleaning. . I am the one who usews price comparrison websites to get the best deals in food shopping and deals online. .things have improved slowly but there are still many issues that trouble me and my wife when challenged on certain lacks in household care will rise up like a cat raising it hackles nad she will lose her temper and become verbally abusive and spiteful. . gosh her tongue is truly a barbed sword .
I got frustrated today as I am currently home from work with Laryngitis and Tracheitis and yet despite having no energy nad feeling dizzy and sick with the coughing and throat/chest pain I folded wahing and managed some washing up and while she took our older 2 children to school took care of our youngest son who is still currently to young for school, When I came down this evening (I had been resting in bed for a few hours) I found the lounge still untiday with out youngest socks lying 1 on the floor and 1 on the sofa right next to where she was sat, toys accross the flor, the dinner plates had not been cleaned off of any food waste or sauces added, the washing up had not been done or even sorted and was strewn accross the entire side unit, the dinner table had not been cleaned down, the folded washing still where I had left it, the recycling, that is collected kerbside every Tues not sorted. As such despite my intense lack of energy and tiredness I washed up, sorted the recycling and have put the washing away. . I am so frustrated. .
I know forgive and overlook etc. . I know pray is sometihng to pursue, but how do I pro actively challenge the lack of motivation in the above . we have rowed many times over simply having her walk past a childs toy in the hallway or leaving a dirty bowl or plate from a late evening snack rather than clearing it away. . that sort of thing . its almost like blinkers are on either that or she simply chooses to ignore it .
I have learnt to bite my tongue the longer we have been together but it drives me around the twist. . you see she may have a blitz once a week of the surface stuff. . but open a drawer or cupboard and see the hidden stuff shoved away higgledy piggledy.
Help. . .
I got frustrated today as I am currently home from work with Laryngitis and Tracheitis and yet despite having no energy nad feeling dizzy and sick with the coughing and throat/chest pain I folded wahing and managed some washing up and while she took our older 2 children to school took care of our youngest son who is still currently to young for school, When I came down this evening (I had been resting in bed for a few hours) I found the lounge still untiday with out youngest socks lying 1 on the floor and 1 on the sofa right next to where she was sat, toys accross the flor, the dinner plates had not been cleaned off of any food waste or sauces added, the washing up had not been done or even sorted and was strewn accross the entire side unit, the dinner table had not been cleaned down, the folded washing still where I had left it, the recycling, that is collected kerbside every Tues not sorted. As such despite my intense lack of energy and tiredness I washed up, sorted the recycling and have put the washing away. . I am so frustrated. .
I know forgive and overlook etc. . I know pray is sometihng to pursue, but how do I pro actively challenge the lack of motivation in the above . we have rowed many times over simply having her walk past a childs toy in the hallway or leaving a dirty bowl or plate from a late evening snack rather than clearing it away. . that sort of thing . its almost like blinkers are on either that or she simply chooses to ignore it .
I have learnt to bite my tongue the longer we have been together but it drives me around the twist. . you see she may have a blitz once a week of the surface stuff. . but open a drawer or cupboard and see the hidden stuff shoved away higgledy piggledy.
Help. . .