GOOD! I seem to have gotten you upset - I like that because when people get upset the varnish comes off and the real person emerges. A philosophy I myself embraced for nearly 30 years. But you are DEAD WRONG that I interpret Scripture based on a theological predisposition. That “dog won’t hunt,” sonny. You’d best know what you are talking about before you go shooting off your mouth. Yes, I do indeed have a seminary education and earned degree. Yes, I was taught a number of Theological constructs based on the historical teachings of many, many theologians. My studies also required two years of Church History three years of Greek and Hebrew. But I went to a non-denominational seminary and we were left with the autonomy to search out the truths of Scripture based on how we were trained to STUDY. We were NOT TAUGHT WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES under someone’s theological construct - whether it be Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Jerome, Nestorius, Knox, Zwingli, Arminius, et al. Rather, we were taught HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE (2Timothy 2:15) - HOW TO RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH (2Timothy 2:15) - HOW TO SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (John 5:39, Acts 17:11) - HOW TO BE ABLE TO TEACH OTHERS (2Timothy 2:1-2) - and I could go on and on, but I doubt you will read any of the verses, and if you did I doubt it would matter. And your problem is, that because you can’t deal with the Scriptures, you want to tell yourself that all Biblical truth is relative. That helps to pacify your lazy disinterest to study and search on your own. It’s easier for your godless opinion to be your authority. Bottom line, sonny, the real issue is AUTHORITY. See Matthew 21:23. It always has been, and it always will be. So let me ask you, WHO is YOUR final authority? Which “church father” do you prefer over Scripture? Like I said, NOW WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE!