lets say it another way,,,,,,,,,,,,Zimmerman,,,,,,,,the news told you each time you see it he shot a black man,,,,,,Zimmerman the news always points out he is a,,,,,,,,,,,,"white/Hispanic",,,,,,,,,,sometimes "white/Latino",,,,,,,,,,,well that's in the news,,,,,,,,,,,,,you see if a "Hispanic" shoots someone who is "black",,,it is no big "news story",,,,,,,,,,,but if the news puts the words "white" into the mix,,,,,,,,,then if its a crime of hate,,,,,,,,,,,then it a "big news story",,,,,,,,,,because its racial,,,,,,"its a crime of hate",,,,,,,i'm telling you this to warn you about being led around like puppies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you see in law,,, if someone has a permit to carry a weapon,,,,,,,and an unarmed man attacks the man with the weapon and takes it from him (notice that the wepon is no longer in the posession of the one who is licenced to carry it),,,,,,,,,at the moment in the struggle,,,,,,,,,"who is armed and who is unarmed"??????????"who is licensed and who is unlicensed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"to carry the firearm",,,,,,,,,,the law says nothing about discharging it at that time in self defense,,,,,,,,,,but if he was in the act of taking it ,,,,,,,,,,,"he was armed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't get me wrong if some one whoever they are is violated regardless of their race,,,,,,,,,,"it is wrong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and ,,,we live in a world were the sun, the globe and the enquirer,,,,are more credible than ABC,NBC and fox,,,,,,,,,,,you know geraldo makes a movie were he is at tora bora,,being shot at but the mountains behind hm are 500 miles away,,,,,,,,,,,,